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LQ Unban (Formal Request)

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Yesterday I played with LQ as a CT. During the time he was CT, i had to slay him only once. (He interfered with LR, ran back and forth between Shot 4 shot) With that exception, LQ knows the rules and abides by them. Also, this "disrespect" is just him saying "asshole" in a joking way.

Though, there's the other end of the spectrum, where he would mic spam and there would be no way to mute him (Before i got mod). But what does mic spam have to do with being a CT? you can mic spam as a T or CT.

In general, LQ follows rules and should be unbanned. +1

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As mentioned earlier, we had the talk with him. LQ promised to comply to all the expectations that we have. Therefore, i want to give him another chance and some time to prove to us that he deserves to get unbanned.



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