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Mods cant target other mods

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Hello, i have come here today with the issue of mods not being able to slay or do anything to another mod, this is a very bad move and ill tell you why. A mod can sometimes be stupid, and its our job to fix the stupidity, also some mods go afk and we cant do anything about it, or they may spam HLDJ and we cant mute them. i think this is a very stupid thing to do, and should be fixed. thank you.

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Mods cannot target mods and admins cannot target admins because of seperation of powers, we used to be able to, but there were abuse issues yadayadadadadaydadyaydaydyadyaydyadyaydyada. so if you have an issue with a mod, you are to call a higher up. go to cookie/akio first, if they can't help at the time then contact a DM.

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i hope you know that an admin is barely on, the moderator is suppose to do his job and moderate the server, so we're always there. and sometimes a mod screws up and we cant do anything because of power rules, i can understand why we cant slay admins but we should be able to slay mods.

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Sounds reasonable Vaas. But if such a case happens, then you should post a thread.

It might be more frequent in the GO servers, that a mod fucks up. But it would cause more chaos if another mod is trying to tell him how to do his job.

Just my opinion, you are valid to your own and I agree with the reasons you state.

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You already know this, but both myself and Cookiesars is on your friendslist. If you have an issue about anything, you can always send us a message or come talk to us in teamspeak.

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"yo, slay yourself because blah blah blah", problem solved.


if they dont realize they did something bad, then it's a whole different story.

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What about when mods, admins, or even DMs, join the server and break the rules and refuse to slay themselves or even modify the rules so it doesn't apply specifically to them?

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The issue here is not all admins/mods have the integrity to do the right thing. We'll keep trying to get higher admins on to handle it. I really cannot stand people who lack integrity.. If everyone had it then this post wouldn't have been necessary.

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What about when mods, admins, or even DMs, join the server and break the rules and refuse to slay themselves or even modify the rules so it doesn't apply specifically to them?


Thats why you report them...as stated above. When we give mods the power to target other mods, not a lot of good comes out of it. -1.

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^ I disagree. Unless you have any doubt in the people you appointed as moderator I seen no reason why this issue shouldn't be addressed.

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mods will be mods, and and mods will also be players. as such players make friends with one another and they form little groups, these groups don't like other players or groups, and as such they tend to ignore them when things need done, or do wrong things to them. we already had the issue in CS:S where that took place, not going to bother with that issue in cs:go



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