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xG Map Suggestions and Corrections

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Alright, so first off, here is a new list of current bugs/problems:



Missing Laser on Gun Toss, need dark orange laser to be adjusted (laser can currently be interrupted by player model)



Missing texture on Death Run (bottom right of sign)



Broken "Hang man's noose"



Broken Bhop "Timer" (Allows player to stand on platform for more then a couple of seconds)




These are just bugs compiled up from what others have found currently.



On to the next discussion. The inclusion of Disco. HidingMaster and I have come up with the best location for a Disco area, being above VIP cells, thanks to the help of "sgt. redneck" for pointing it out (otherwise it would have been way the hell at Bhop or possibly above Armory). Now what is planned out currently, is that the Disco in itself will be two floors high. The bottom floor will include a lounging area (Maybe with the option of music, but lower volume), and the top floor will be the dance floor itself (the music being higher volume then below). I have (Terribly) mapped out the dimensions of the disco itself, just to give a rough perspective of how it looks.


This photo shows the exterior of the Disco building. As you can see, the red lines mark out an extension which Hiding calls an over hang. The idea is that there will be columns (pillars) leading down into the water basin on the ground level (Marked out by the red lines once again). The style of the pillars themselves will depend on your personal preference or taste.



The Disco building itself will have a maximum height, reaching up to the Second Floor of the main cell area as shown in the pic.



The entrance to disco will cut halfway across the existing ramp leading up to the top of VIP (The Cell button will have to be moved elsewhere, perhaps closer to cells themselves)




That concludes most of today's findings, thanks to everyone who found any of the bugs shown! @@Gkoo and @@snakeboyeric

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I don't like the idea of putting disco above VIP. That ledge is a good vantage point for CTs as the can overlook cell block, entrance to climb, and the whole second courtyard. Plus, structurally, I think it would make that corner of the building look funny as hell with just a big tall wall - you don't see that anywhere else on the map.

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Alright, so first off, here is a new list of current bugs/problems..


Wow forest, thats alot of extremely helpful work! +1 +1 +1

As for disco i agree with mcneo that we need that area on top of vip for other purposes, but I like putting it next to climb above vip roof. Like a ladder or ramp that leads from vip roof to disco and have the walls flush with the rest of the map. First step is to get a working disco, any ways

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Also, this was pointed out by Nub. This is at the radiator above of Armory. There seems to be a small patch of sunlight, don't know how it's there.


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