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Abusive Player llllllLine

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Player llllllLine is dragging the XG server into the mud, he is constantly abusive to players verbally and with admin. As a simple patron of the server I ask as minimum to have his admin removed and possibly a server ban.


Everytime I play on the server and he is on there are constant complaints about him especially when he is Warden. Including and not limited to unjustified killing, unjustified slaying and in many cases general unfriendly behavior.

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-1. You show absolutely nothing to support the possibility of admin abuse. You aren't showing any proof, and you don't even have a real reason for admin abuse.

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Honestly, I haven't known line that long. HOWEVER, I am willing to stand up for him even though he is a butt-face.


First, let's get 3 things straight:


1. Line is not an admin, he is a mod.

2. Because he is a mod, he is technically an "admin in training"

3. You're talking about abuse in terms of "unfriendly behavior" and unjustified killing/slaying. Just because he does not state his reasons for killing and slaying does not mean that he is abusing his powers. It simply means that he may be doing his duties as mod incorrectly and may need more proper training as well as other mods/admins/DM's/DL's being present to watch over him.


Somewhere down the line, not everyone you meet will be a saint and/or be nice to you. Line is one of those people who is easy to get along with if you have been friends with him for a little bit and he's not a bad person. Even for me, I tend to call people retarded faggots that I hate and want to see their heads pounded to the floor and see their guts be ripped apart by wolves then burned at the stake and then get blown up into oblivion.. but at the end of the day, we all hold hands an sing Kumbayah. In other words, Line doesn't really mean what he says nor does he intend to make your life more miserable if in case he did actually offend you (unless you piss the fuck out of him then he will).


In addition to this, NO ONE IN XG IS PERFECT.


Believe it or not, even the division leaders like @A51Nova and @@Chrono mess up too. A LOT.


So put down your hanky and don't throw a hissy fit over one person you don't like. If you have a problem with that person, you can either ignore him/her and continue to play or keep complaining and have yourself banned for causing a ruckus (spamming, being annoying, etc.) I'm sure that one of the Admins or Division Leaders/Managers has taken care of this situation by now.


Have a nice day.

















Oh and just for the record, you have no proof. Therefore, #closed

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Why are you guys so biased? (Except randallsandals, he has legit and accurate reasons.)


All you need is some proof man, and we can assist you.

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