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Tower: Vent or Not? - ba_jail_summer_go

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This is playing off of the abuse report from @@Matsi against Line (@@zackryz). Line's argument is that he thinks that secret door on the tower on the map ba_jail_summer_go is a vent.


If it IS a vent, then on that map T's should never be allowed to be camping in there, which they often do when they rebel, since there are guns in there.


Camping a vent as either a T or CT will result in a slay, or teamban for a CT.


Simple question to clarify, is it a vent or not?


I want to know for the future, so if it is a vent, I can slay T's that are camping in there. And if it's not, then CT's are more than welcome to go in there to get up to the top ledge of the map, and won't get slayed for doing so.



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I'd say the actual tower as a whole is not a vent but the passage way which you have to crouch through is a vent and you can't camp there but wherever you can stand up is not classed as vent and so sitting watching if anyone will open the door is vent camping.

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It's a vent if i go through it but if someone else does it's a door... cause that's how shit works on this server.


I would say it's a door... vents break open, doors slide or swing open and then CLOSE AGAIN.


You'll never get a straight answer because the DLs refuse to get all the admins on the same page... so you just have to figure out per admin which say it's a vent and which say it's not and just act accordingly, it's how everything works like apparently the bottom level of Alpha isnt armory so you can camp there. Some admins will let you throw you grenades away for playing pokemon... others will get slay happy on your ass, prefering that you gunplant rather than "freenade" It's all just crazy insane and there needs to be a change in the DLs or put someone in charge of each divisions admins so that they can train them and teach them how to all enforce evenly!

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should be considered vent just sayin. and cts should be able to re-open it (since it auto closes) if they saw someone go in. my 2 cents.

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should be considered vent just sayin. and cts should be able to re-open it (since it auto closes) if they saw someone go in. my 2 cents.


My problem wasn't that it was a vent or not... it was that xG admins told me that CTs could use it because it did not break and therefore was not a vent.... If it's a vent, then fine, if it's not... even better... but admins should enforce it the same.... also, these dumbass admins need to learn how to warn and teach people things instead of being slay nazis.


I work Security for a living, I don't pull out my glock and shoot someone the opens the wrong door... I tell them "Hey, you arent allowed through there.... and then if they don't leave I shoot them.... The same type of thing applies to admining... learn how to do it FFS!

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I work Security for a living, I don't pull out my glock and shoot someone the opens the wrong door... I tell them "Hey, you arent allowed through there.... and then if they don't leave I shoot them.... The same type of thing applies to admining... learn how to do it FFS!

Yeah but then if we play Jailbreak like real life then we will have a bunch of angry mothers on the forum complaining that we are corrupting their children and that video games are bad!

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Yeah but then if we play Jailbreak like real life then we will have a bunch of angry mothers on the forum complaining that we are corrupting their children and that video games are bad!


There's already people like that anyways lol


Again I don't care what the rules are... so long as they are told the same so that I can actually figure out what is and isnt allowed.... that's what it comes down to every time...


This game is supposed to be about having fun not about being constantly slayed because the admins are retarded or because you didnt read the 15 threads defining common sense....also just because something is a rule doesnt mean you HAVE to punish someone for breaking it to the max extent of your powers.... @@SwizZ


I just want to have fun... that's it... i want to play without getting slayed for stupid reasons or things that I thought were ok because admins said so... I don't want to be banned for 6 hrs because i killed the guy rebeling in armory instead of killing the guy that was getting LR and bloodhounded for us and opened the vent so that we COULD kill the rebelor... I dont want to get slayed because im standing within 500 yrds of a vent I didnt know existed or for throwing weapons away so that I don't break another rule...or being kicked for not changing my name from "Me!" because ! is apparently no longer a character on the keyboard, and asking "why" to find out what is wrong so that you know what to fix means to kick you instead of giving key information. I had the name Me! for about 3 days without anyone saying it had to be changed. It was funny cause it went with my clan tag of "Yiff"


Is this so much to ask for?




and did you really spell clarification with a y?

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Going off with what Chrono is saying, it's a vent, since it automatically opens, and if you've already seen a T go in there, get in and get out immediately if searching for rebels.



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