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New Events/Competitions/MOTM

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So I was thinking, why don't we create some small competitions just to make members/staff feel more special? For example we could create events ( IKNOW THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN SAID) but heres the thing. Instead of Credits as a prize, I could make small user bars, A little bigger than the xg ranks, and when people win these events whatever they may be, they get a small user bar to put in their signature. Thats a first idea.


Second is MOTM (Member of the Month). This may be a lot of work, so Idk if its a good idea however what we could do is create a new section in forums called Member of the month. Each day people could post ( or tell admins) who they think deserves member of the month. (Staff included) At the end, a new thread can be created and whoever got atleast 1 suggestion would be posted in a vote topic, whoever wins that would get a user bar, as stated before, and get a temporary Member of the month rank (after a month, silence or someone could change it back to their original rank). ONCE AGAIN BEFORE YOU GUYS START SPAMMING HATE LETTERS AT ME, THIS MIGHT BE ALOT OF WORK BUT THEY'RE IDEAS.


USER BARS SIMILAR TO THESE, HOWEVER THEy'll Probably be a bit bigger, and with xg and cool stuff.





We can do more for this community, and this could be a good addition to get people to want to join


FYI: This is the first community that I've dedicated my graphic skills into making it better. Please don't let this opportunity slip. The work may be lot, and if all this fails its better to have known then never try. Many ask me why don't I charge for my work. I'm not at that point yet, however, while I still am dedicated to be doing these things, I would love others feedback. This may be my last try on getting new ideas for this community (aswell as including graphic content).


The only way I can contribute to this community is through photoshop, and activity.

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Heres the thing, yes anyone can make that bar, so why doesn't anyone do it? Its the fact that when you see people stacking up these bars from winning events, it makes them feel special, and more known. For example if i win 15 competitions, and get 15 bars. People will start noticing that certain person and be like wow, he must have talent. In the end, honestly, we're not doing shit to really hype up anything(Except credits). But most people that are active have tons of credits, so gettin more is like "oh yea, but whatever". I'm trying to add another option to the prizes. If you think this is dumb, by all means ill support you. Remember this is also work for me to create these bars (Maybe not as much but still)


In the end I'm spreading ideas around, if you don't like them express it.

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Also keep in mind guys, The bars will NOT be as skinny as the ones I posted. They will be a bit bigger in height, but thats the concept of the prize.

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Bars could always go under your avatar and posts and that shit so it can only be given my forum mods and the member of the month or week seems shitty to me, beside being hard to make it work, it'll probably end up being only for jb players since that most of the population here.


IU, You should simply organize this shit yourself, make threads, the bars or w/e, these threads usually don't do much, make it yourself, see if it works, make it simple for people to nominate or vote or whatever and if it goes well, the higher ups could consider making it more "official".


And there are sites to make those bars in less than a 1min :I

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Guys your really misunderstanding this. IU's Specially Designed bars, cannot be created anywhere else. Except photoshop (If I were to give you the .PSD) ONCE AGAIN, THESE BARS WILL BE BIGGER THAN THE IMAGE PROVIDED! As for under the avatar, Thats not a bad idea, but then The bars would have to be uber small.

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Guys your really misunderstanding this. IU's Specially Designed bars, cannot be created anywhere else. Except photoshop (If I were to give you the .PSD) ONCE AGAIN, THESE BARS WILL BE BIGGER THAN THE IMAGE PROVIDED! As for under the avatar, Thats not a bad idea, but then The bars would have to be uber small.


No, the shitty bars you posted on the first thread can be made in some sites that generate 'em in a minute.

Under the avatar they would only have to be shorter and taller.

like these:

ai1115.photobucket.com_albums_k544_emrpo_SOTW12_zps7699ffc1.png.e4a113bc5666f6355809e6e5970db7dc.pngprolly taller and bigger


but begin organizing shit yourself, don't expect no one here to do it for you, it's like with new division, either you begin em yourself or fuck em.


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Loki, I Know! My bars, are different (No website can generate them). Unless you have photoshop can know how to create shit. I use Photoshop to create them... I would start doing shit, except I have no powers. And If I were to do the Member of the week, i would need others input. As of now, I just need feedback on which idea people like best.

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Loki, I Know! My bars, are different (No website can generate them). Unless you have photoshop can know how to create shit. I use Photoshop to create them... I would start doing shit, except I have no powers. And If I were to do the Member of the week, i would need others input. As of now, I just need feedback on which idea people like best.


I know the ones you're going to make are going to be different, good god stop repeating yourself, but the shitty bars in the first thread, whether or not are yours, those can be generated on some lame as website in no time.


Don't stop yourself simply because you have no powers, start organizing your shit, make the bars or w/e bullshit you want, and with time if it's good, they'll simply move the bars under the avatars or help with w/e shit that needs forum mod.


Which idea people like best, nigga, just begin trying out with the member of the month or week, don't w8 for shit to happen.

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Right I understand that, but for Member of the week, we need help from all of the members. And as of now im tryin to get peoples opinions, on which idea is better first or second

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