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Why is WarZ a division?

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Yes and I enjoy WarZ. I have played it for quite some time and made multiple clans for xG in-game. Twice in which is cost me money to expand it to 40 players to because the 20 did not meet the amount of players I had met in game to join. 3 other times I had 20 players in it. Now I have @@GentleSnivy to make the clan for me and we have 4 in it now.


And at the time I made those clans it was me only. Now that I have @@GentleSnivy and @Foxxeh both helping me we will expand the in-game clan even more. Though it is hard sometimes considering we dont have a server yet. But that isnt our fault. The devs have not allowed the creation of personal servers yet.


Yes, I have tried to become Div Leader multiple times. 1st for DayZ, but at the time Silence wasnt able to get a server to get it running. 2nd is for WarZ. And then I was interested in spending some time getting a highlander server going, much like the scrim servers on CS:S, going for xG. But is it a crime to try to help out a community? I guess so.


If you wish to remove the WarZ division from the website until we have a server and more members in the in-game clan, go ahead. The only thing that changes is I dont have a D in my name. Most of the time with a WarZ after it in which I get shit from really any player I meet. And then we dont have a category for it on the forums. If that is what matters to you. I thought the constant harassment from other players about my name might be enough for you, but I guess you care enough to want it out of my name.


Ill leave the decision up to @autumn and @Brian.

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It is my belief that as long as there is more than one person in a division, and as long as that division has been approved through appropriate channels (Basically, is Silence chill with it?), then there shouldn't be an issue. If you don't like the game...don't play it or bash other people who do play it. I don't go over to the CS:S division and tell them how I don't like Jailbreak or how I think it's stupid (Which is essentially happening here, except to a different game). I simply determine that I don't like it, and find something that I do like to do.

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Once again, WarZ's microtransactions are not for game changing items. When you die in any game like this you lose all your items. The store itself is not just IRL money. You earn money in game that you can use to buy the same items. Your basically saying that games like TF2 shouldnt be endorsed because you can buy guns to use in game. And in TF2 you pay $3 for some shitty guns that you can trade someone for for 2 other guns. Plus you have to buy an item from the store just to be able to trade.


So let me ask you this.


If to play DayZ you must pay 2 payments of $15 for both ARMA games, and then not pay a single cent for items in game.


And then in WarZ you pay 1 payment of $15. Thats $15 in savings. I highly doubt that after that you will pay any more money, because theres nothing good to buy in the game. But if you decide to, you have $15 to spend before you have paid the same for DayZ.


Also, stating "This game is boring" as a reason to not support is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. I think Minecraft is boring, but we support it. Do I go all out and start bashing that game? No, because it doesnt hurt me one bit to have another divison to show how big our clan is.


Also, is xG stating "WarZ is the best game ever, all games suck compared to it"? No. We arnt. Its simply another division that we have. Nothing more, nothing less.


Also, people got refunds for the game when they asked for it the way they were suppose to. And they still get refunds.


Also, it was never stated that WarZ was a finished full game. Infact take a look at the old buy screen that I found in an old email from them.




Also if the next post isnt something different than what you havent already stated, im closing the thread because it was started by a drunk JayBreeze, but more importantly JAYBREEZE. And you seem to be the only one who gives a flying fuck about it to continue to post the same shit over and over again.


I love how you bring TF2 into this. First of all the items you buy in TF2 stay with your account forever until you trade/sell them off to someone else.


With WarZ the items you buy are lost when you die. I have been trying to tell you that the micro-transactions should be left out of games like this.Since it's about finding and using whatever you can find to your advantage.Half of the game is about finding items, it shouldn't be as simple as going and buying something off of a store. It's about having nothing to use from the start and finding whatever you can to survive for as long as possible.


Now you keep bringing up money, when not once did I say anything about it's price, the cost of a game does not make it a good game. I rather spend money on the Arma games and then get DayZ for free since I am getting Arma + the expansion and then go and get DayZ for free. Not to mention DayZ standalone will come out soon so it might only be $15. What is your argument once that happens. If it does happen.


I have yet to see any other developer release a product that was still in alpha on steam. When hammerpoint released the game on steam they were telling people that it was finished and ready for consumer consumption. They never said that it was still in alpha or beta.


Here is the question I liked to ask to you. What does WarZ do better than DayZ? What makes this such a good game? Please tell me what you think this game does well since you still have yet to tell us why this division shouldn't be removed. You instead have just told me to STFU and have threaten to close the thread just because a few people have stated they don't like the game and have been giving reasons for not liking it.

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Really bring in you have to pay $30 for dayz. Arma 2 is a game which isnt just dayz you can play on other servers/gamemods warz is just 1 game mode a copy of another game. Dayz is in all FREE you dont pay for it, YOU ARE PAYING FOR THE BASE GAME ARMA 2. So dont bring that shit in.

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yo i just like makin you mad cause youre a prick and your div is pathetic. but in all seriousness this div is useless and serves no benefit to anything

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It is my belief that as long as there is more than one person in a division, and as long as that division has been approved through appropriate channels (Basically, is Silence chill with it?), then there shouldn't be an issue. If you don't like the game...don't play it or bash other people who do play it. I don't go over to the CS:S division and tell them how I don't like Jailbreak or how I think it's stupid (Which is essentially happening here, except to a different game). I simply determine that I don't like it, and find something that I do like to do.


Pretty much this, I played DayZ and WarZ. I prefer neither but i dont bash it. Also micro transactions are for ammo and backpacks... Any1 stupid enough to pay for them knows the risk so your point isn't really needed. I litterally first hour or so of playing had more ammo and guns then i needed. Also Duplolas you shouldnt have the D in your name as the game isnt a steam ame, don't be like arthman kid. I already told this to Warrior when he had D in his for MC.

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Okay okay okay.


This ends here.


Duplolas I have recorded proof of you saying that even you think it is a bad division. (From my servers, with Fraps) The only reason I haven't uploaded it is because I am only 60% douche. That isn't nearly enough.


Now I already think you are an immature, annoying member who always starts shit that he cant support, but being a hypocrite will get you nowhere.

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One more word, and I swear.


Everybody, look at yourselves. I don't care if you think it's a bad division, but please be mindful of others. Next person to speak of this in a hateful will have action taken towards them. We have servers set up, and silence is willing to have a server for it, then it's not your problem. The server wasn't gonna get used for any other purpose anyway. The Salt and Pepper bit was cute, but the real problem here is that you guys have no respect for one another. If this continues, then what JayBreeze said will happen, the community will topple on itself.


@@Charrax. You're a division leader, you know better than to contribute to the hate. One more slip up like this, and you'll get your GMOD powers revoked. Again. I don't care if you have evidence. Not only do you admit you have it, but you taunt it in front of his face.


@@highhthere. @@Lonewolf1925 @Pepper @@Salt Stop complaining about a division you don't even play. If you have a problem, or think you have a better use for the server, contact me or @autumn.


I don't care if you hate the game or the person running it. Don't make these hateful threads.

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