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Can you guys add more !lr activity ???

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>Vintage JB servers comes online

>xG players play on Vintage


>Everyone recommends everything that Vintage has




>These suggestions have been made before

>feel the need to shitpost anyway



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>Doesn't realize that Vintage stole every LR idea from HellsGamers

>Vintage can't come up with original ideas, just steal from other clans


No offense, but autumn lets be serious. If it's taking this long to make "original" plugins then just trash that idea. Take plugins from other people, cause as far as everyone knows, xG is decreasing in popularity. You might not care, but that could bring down cash flow from donations. If you got enuf money to keep these servers running, you should def have enough for private coders to create skins and what not.

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It's already been stolen as we speak!


Excuse me oh exalted one?


Lets go down a list of things shall we:

1. Stole Facebook's layout (which you somehow broke)

2. Made a contract that you breached

3. Cant make anything so you steal everything

4. Begs for programmers to come help because you dont know how to do it

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1. Stole Facebook's layout (which you somehow broke)

2. Made a contract that you breached

3. Cant make anything so you steal everything

4. Begs for programmers to come help because you dont know how to do it

With that logic, I guess we are all stupid cause we can't grow our own food!

And how did I steal Facebook's layout? Facebook isn't this sexy :p

And I paid Starbuck ~$150 in the past month to make up for me not paying in the past year. They don't tell you that, do they?

And I don't steal shit, I cite all work, and if I don't want their copyright, I pay selected parties. xG is as legitimate as it can be. GG kid.

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Whooo you GG'd me there. Gosh maybe I shouldn't Re. Jk


I dont know if you've ever heard of a garden, but thats how you can grow food. People survived pre-1950 Silence.


This layout you tweaked a bit, poorly, but the original was much similar to facebooks with chat and notifications and all but I guess imitation is the greatest form of flattery.


Regardless of if you paid him you still breached the contract so I dont really see where your logic is there, unless you dont understand what a contract means which wouldnt surprise me in the slightest.


I could give a shit about the last point since theres no real point in me defending it.


Also, dont call me kid again, youre maturity is relatable to Rabid's.

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Also, dont call me kid again, youre maturity is relatable to Rabid's.

Say's the white boy whose butthurt he wasn't born black.


Regardless of if you paid him you still breached the contract so I dont really see where your logic is there, unless you dont understand what a contract means which wouldnt surprise me in the slightest.

>Memorandum of Understanding
21 March 2012

I. Purpose

This document outlines the aquisition of Vintage Jailbreak (VjB),  co-owned by Starbuck and Neo, operated by Starbuck, and XenoGamers (xG),  owned and operated by Silence.  

II. Parties

XenoGamers is a large 10+ server gaming organization, primarily engaged  in Counter-Strike: Source (CS:S) and Team Fortress 2 (TF2) servers, with  significant activity and member count.  Vintage Jailbreak is a small  gaming organization, primarily engaged in CS:S and Nuclear Dawn servers,  focused around the Jailbreak game.  Starbuck also brings professional  software development and systems administration skills with him.

III. Goals

xG wishes to expand and open a new division of game servers for Nuclear  Dawn as well as expand its current offerings in CS:S and TF2 and planned  additions for Counter-Strike: Global Offense.  Starbuck owns and  operates a semi-popular Nuclear Dawn server with custom plugins/scripts  under the name "Vintage Redstone Arsenal".  Silence will provide funding  and logistical support for a new Nuclear Dawn division of xG.  The  funding will provide a Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) through Nuclear  Fallout (NFO).  Starbuck will operate the VDS and Nuclear Dawn division  as well as provide general support and plugins to xG at his discretion.

IV. VjB/Starbuck Intellectual Property

All private plugins developed by Starbuck for the SourceMod system will  become accessible to Silence.  Silence agrees to pay Starbuck a one-time  fee of 35.00 USD.

V. Non-Disclosure and Prohibition of Commercial Activity

Starbuck agrees to not disclose or sell any intellectual property of xG.   Silence agrees not to disclose or sell any intellectual property made  available to him by Starbuck (a.k.a. 'databomb').

VI. Operation & Access

The VDS shall be operated by Starbuck.  Starbuck and Silence shall share  full ('root') control of the VDS and may, upon mutual agreement, grant  access to others.

VII. Monthly Financial Obligations

Payments to the service provider, NFO, are due each month.  Silence shall provide 100% of the cost of the VDS to NFO.

Silence agrees to pay 5% of all xG donations in a given month or $25,  whichever is lesser, to Starbuck in any month where Starbuck devotes at  least 4 hours to development of new or existing projects.

VIII. Non-Compete

Starbuck agrees not to make any Source-engine based server not  associated with xG unless for testing purposes or upon mutual agreement  between Starbuck and Silence.

Starbuck agrees to offer users visiting 'vintagejailbreak.org' to be  re-directed to the xG website for a period of not less than 10 months.

IX. Server Location

The VDS shall be located in a datacenter within 50 miles of Chicago, Illinois.

X. Administration

All xG leadership shall have similiar access to all servers on the VDS  that they do on other xG servers.  Starbuck will designate other admins  for the Nuclear Dawn servers as he sees fit.  The SourceBans system  shall be utilized on the Nuclear Dawn servers to manage global bans.

The following will be designated as 'Co-Leader' under the current xG heirarchy:

The following will be designated as 'Division Leader' under the current xG heirarchy:
Mark (CS:S) [sTEAM_0:0:9846645]
Neo (Nuclear Dawn) [sTEAM_0:1:3526513]

The following will be designated as 'Admin' under the current xG heirarchry:
Carnivore (CS:S, NuclearDawn, TF2) [sTEAM_0:0:32471730]

The following will be designated as 'Moderator' under the current xG heirarchry:
Ray (CS:S) [sTEAM_0:1:34432670]
Viper (CS:S) [sTEAM_0:1:27674912]
Headshot Taco (CS:S) [sTEAM_0:0:25868387]

Admins placed under this agreement shall not be demoted for a period of  at least 6 months unless upon mutual agreement between Silence and  Starbuck.

The following will receive a random donator package for the CS:S game for a period not less than of 3 months:
Physics [sTEAM_0:0:38564959]
Lamarr [sTEAM_0:0:25121400]
LOL Herps [sTEAM_0:1:15837316]
Infamous Panda [sTEAM_0:0:32608506]
Lord Zankon [sTEAM_0:0:30281460]
Wally Love [sTEAM_0:0:22633304]
DoodMach [sTEAM_0:1:42503044]
Pixel [sTEAM_0:0:42017667]
Teerts [sTEAM_0:0:40367470]

XII. Server Cancellation

Silence may at his discretion decide the VDS is no longer acceptable.   At this point, Silence must offer Starbuck the ability to take over  month-to-month payments.  Silence will decide on the extent of  association between this VDS and other xG servers and systems.

XIII. Intended Services

The VDS shall run at least 1 Nuclear Dawn server.

There is the exact contract, the one line they claim was broken is above. I paid that back, for the most part, and you saying that I broke the contract is a fallacy. The contract never states that if anyone of these conditions are not followed, it is nullified, so me paying him back in a untimely fashion is perfectly legal in the context of the contract.

[MEDIA=pastebin]zBrAuSE3[/MEDIA] Hard link so you know I'm not messing with it.


This layout you tweaked a bit, poorly, but the original was much similar to Facebook's with chat and notifications and all but I guess imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

Again, this look, nor ever looked, like Facebook. I guess you think every website looks like Facebook don't ya?



I dont know if you've ever heard of a garden, but thats how you can grow food. People survived pre950 Silence.

You are retarded, I was saying that with your comment how I don't know how to code as a point against my previous post was stupid and full of holes. I can see that 4th grade education really paid off.

GG kid.

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There is the exact contract, the one line they claim was broken is above. I paid that back, for the most part, and you saying that I broke the contract is a fallacy. The contract never states that if anyone of these conditions are not followed, it is nullified, so me paying him back in a untimely fashion is perfectly legal in the context of the contract.

[MEDIA=pastebin]zBrAuSE3[/MEDIA] Hard link so you know I'm not messing with it.


In case you didn't know, this is what's called a fundamental breach of contract. When a contract is breached theres a whole lot of legal mumbo jumbo that goes along with that but long story short, since this was settled out of court the contract in turn is terminated, therefor nullifying it.


For the remainder of your post, I do not have any screen shots of the forums circa mid 2012, so I guess we'll agree to disagree that the time you had the little globe fill up with red with a number when you had a notification doesn't look anything like facebook. You got me there.


I don't wish I was black, I just appreciate current African-American culture.


Finally, before you attempt to come back in some witty way (e.g., retarded, "wishes he was black", or the ever popular gg kid.) Just add me on steam so guest's or potential new members aren't turned off by this thread.

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