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Paid mods and admins part II (rules and regs)

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ok, so my first idea went down the drain, so I did some thinking (which is quite rare.)

age restrictions and maturity restrictions on paid mod and admin applications.

(please note that this has nothing to do with the current pm's on css:jb *cough* abraham *un-cough*)


Require an age restriction (I like 15 or 16) enforced by photo id if their age is questionable. If they would

fail to meet this requirement, then they would be automatically disqualified.


the second tier of PM/PA testing would be a maturity test. this would Include both a test of their responses to stressful situations, and an evaluation of previous actions/reactions as a standard member of xG.


the third tier of the test requires a referral program. at least three ACTIVE people on the xG:JB server would have to write a short and to the point paragraph on why they think the individual is worthy of paid mod.


let me know what yall think :)

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Require an age restriction (I like 15 or 16) enforced by photo id if their age is questionable. If they would

fail to meet this requirement, then they would be automatically disqualified.


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Tbh i rather not restrict age just because some younger people show higher maturity level than older ones.

Third tier - If people would like to do such it wouldn't be a problem lol.

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(please note that this has nothing to do with the current pm's on css:jb *cough* abraham *un-cough*)





enforced by photo id


I want your home address so I can get a pedo van and drive it around you.




So what you're saying is..

-Age restriction [around 15-16; use photo/state ID if questionable]

-Maturity test [including their response under stressful situations, as well as previous actions/reactions taken into consideration.

-Referral program [Requiring 3+ active members from the community, who have played with them, to write a paragraph about why you think they're worthy of buying paid moderator.


The age is honestly a good idea most of the time. I'm not bashing on any of our younger members or staff, but sometimes people don't like when someone with a higher voice tries to enforce rules. I honestly don't care for the sound of their voice, they're doing their job and doing it well, enforcing rules.


The maturity test would most likely have some extra parts to it, but finding out how they react under situations such as mass freekillers, disrespect[This is something important, you need to know the difference in disrespect and people annoyed at things.]


The referral program I think is a great idea. Having a minimum of 3 MEMBERS of the community, or maybe only staff members[This can be debated] give their input on why they think this person should get a Paid staff member position. I don't think that it should be homework and end up being an entire paragraph, but that honestly would help more than just

This guy deserved paid mod +1


Just my thoughts

-Dis furry DarkWolf

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the third tier of the test requires a referral program. at least three ACTIVE people on the xG:JB server would have to write a short and to the point paragraph on why they think the individual is worthy of paid mod.


Definite +1, I would like to see this added.

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age restrictions and maturity restrictions on paid mod and admin applications.

(please note that this has nothing to do with the current pm's on css:jb *cough* abraham *un-cough*)


f*ck you, stole my idea


If you have a problem with me or any other paid mods then just talk to us.

(please note that this has nothing to do with the current pm's on css:jb *cough* abraham *un-cough*)

answer by savage, already given to abraham :p (plus if we talk about not liking you you just say stop), don't act that way (inb4 stop)


anyway, +1

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The only thing I'd +1 is some kind of referral system. Having an age limit is completely useless, as age doesn't necessarily influence maturity. I have seen children that are more mature than some people my age (16-18). Having a maturity test would be hard to determine or really create in the first place. It would just be easier to observe the applicant in-game, and then determine their maturity from there. I find it kinda funny how people hate on PM's/PA's, because if they're wiling to give real money to a clan, which when you really get down to it is just a buch of pixels on a screen, they're clearly somewhat dedicted to the community, and we shouldn't put all these crazy restrictions on them. Not only that, but the vast majority of the PM's/PA's I've seen have been great with their powers, and only 1 or 2 have been truly abusive with them. If a PM/PA is abusive, just report him. The acts of 1 or 2 people shouldn't detriment everyone else in the future that decides to be a PM/PA.

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I dont think there really should be any restriction on PA and PM. Though I think if you see someone who has bought mod/admin who is pretty bad, there should be a close watch on them and if they screw up, demote em on the spot.


Also PA should be demoted to PM, not to Mod. Like with me I was a PA and got demoted to Mod which was an extreme surprise to me.

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You're paying to get it. That means you bypass all the wait and recommendations to get moderator/administrator status.

If someone is not fit for the job after the first couple of days with it then their powers will be revoked. It's not required for them to use their powers, it is their money.

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Why dont we just make it so anyone that pays for PM/PA still have the member rank and not consider them staff and have no entitlement to being of higher rank than what they were before they PAID to get the powers also they shouldnt be able to be promoted from that position till they meet the requirements for full mod or admin like age and other things being discussed. So it would be Members,PM,PA < Mods < Admins and so on..I'm just trying to get rid of the ego around having powers on a server that people like younger members get when they get powers

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