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Am I the only active forumer here?

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I've noticed that the max people at a time on general are about 12. Almost nobody is replying at anything? wadddafak? We should promote more active forums and stuff to create a wider community interface dealing with the quota of the members.



italics-wtf am i saying

boldfaced - legend title

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>November 2012

>24 posts

I'm active guys!


No. You are not active. In fact, you are one of the elast active people on the forums. Rivaled only by those who make member subs, and ban protests. Please do not claim you are active without seeing stats. We respond to things that need response or we feel like responding to. But we will not respond to something stupid and trivial, in fact we will probably get around to cleaning that up, or telling people why they are being dumb. Please refrain here. You may be one of the more active of TF2, but you are saying for GENERAL. Not TF2, and even then, brian and muffin go through TF2 on a regular basis.

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>November 2012

>24 posts

I'm active guys!


No. You are not active. In fact, you are one of the elast active people on the forums. Rivaled only by those who make member subs, and ban protests. Please do not claim you are active without seeing stats. We respond to things that need response or we feel like responding to. But we will not respond to something stupid and trivial, in fact we will probably get around to cleaning that up, or telling people why they are being dumb. Please refrain here. You may be one of the more active of TF2, but you are saying for GENERAL. Not TF2, and even then, brian and muffin go through TF2 on a regular basis.


< reply after 2 hours




also I'm not rioting

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Not everyone goes to the General thread. Remember that people post on things that they feel is relevant or to their interest. Normally, people just quickly skim through General then move onto another thread, which is why there isn't a substantial amount of people listed viewing General.


Only a handful of people check General, in most cases a slightly larger portion are in their respective Division threads where they can give their input on problems and such.


Also, another thing to keep in mind is that the people who register are normally only doing so to access the Credits/Hub options on servers, not to be active on forums. This is why we have So many members who aren't, well, actually Members. Just registered.


Just sayin'


- Dat guy, Forest

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< reply after 2 hours




also I'm not rioting


Go to tech support for a lot of places, and just open a ticket on there for something. not contact, but a ticket. you will be lucky to get a response in 2 hrs

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No, you aren't. Tell me how you spamming the forums all day today means you are active in any way? Do you want us to post 24/7, even when it is unimportant too? To me, active would be actually be something like 4 posts+ a week. Keep up this attitude and spamming, you are gonna make me regret +1ing you. One last thing, it is pretty obvious why you are posting this much, so calm your posts down or I will make sure you don't get moderator.

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I was called? :P


You are not the only active "forumer". Many people are active on the forums but they are not on at the same time. Yes I have noticed an activity drop in the forums but that is because of the threads that are made. If you've noticed, the threads that might actually do some good for the community are more replied to.

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