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Changing vouch numbers

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It has come to my attention that people are getting into the clan to easily (They disrespect, break rules but people like them). Like they apply and within a day they are in because more people are vouching. More people in clan=More people to vouch. I say raise each divisions vouch limit. Or the more populated divisions at least.

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Instead of raising the number of vouches, I suggest that the Member Application must have At least one (or perhaps two?) Staff Member's thumbs-up in addition to the respective requirement of vouches for their Division (this does not mean a +1 from them, merely just a "I allow this").


Also, if something like what I mentioned is implemented, the Staff Member must have watched the person over a period of at least a week to ensure they're xG material. Mind you, the Staff Member must not be bias and give them a +1 just because they are a bud or friend.


That's what I think, I mean you can increase the number of vouches, but I think giving Mods/Admins more of a "hands on" experience on forums is a good thing. They'll have experience in determining whether or not someone is a good fit for xG and will gain a unique sense of responsibility outside of servers.


- Dat guy, Forest

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If it were changed, i think it should be within the 12 to 15 range, and need to go in more detail about how they deserve to join, and whats so special. Infact abe i think I'm the one who brought this idea up to you.

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