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Please leave me the hell alone

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I started fresh guys. I dropped my old habits and want to be nice. Now all I get from Ts IS CONSTANT FREAKING DISRESPECT. I never see a mod, admin, or DM hardly step in to help me when I ask for it. Today I was muted by the xG mod $moker because I called warden first. Therefore, he muted me and gave it to Jings. This is getting ridiculous and needs to stop now. I'm serious, please knock it the hell off.

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What was your old name? Your name rings a bell and if you tell me I won't bother you because you seem fine now.

It's Wailord. Everyone just keeps talking shit to me now in the server and it's gotten to a point where it actually upsets me and no one does a fucking thing about it.

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T's always talk shit reguardless of warden. Smoke smokes and disrespects everyone. I would say stop being a baby but thats mean and I dont want to hurt your feelings.

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Today I was muted by the xG mod $moker because I [THOUGHT I] called warden first [AND KEPT TALKING OVER THE ACTUAL WARDEN]. Therefore, he muted me and gave it [bACK] to Jings. This [ARROGANCE OF MINE] is getting ridiculous and needs to stop now. I'm serious, [WAILORD], please knock it the hell off.


I fixed your post to ensure truthfulness and accuracy; edits were made in bold and encased in brackets. Don't be so hard on yourself; we've all been there. I'm sure in a few weeks you will learn to be a productive member of society.

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Gonna go ahead and point out that just because you say you want to start new, does not mean that you did not disrespect, and it does not wipe the slate clean, there is still your prior offenses. Wonderful, someone is disrespecting you and you want them muted... so did they when you disrespected them. As for smoker muting you for calling warden and giving it to Jings, get over it. We are currently at the old ways of jailbreak back about 2 years ago, when smoker and several of us first started on the xg servers. And back then, when several people would speak at the same time, it was then up to the staff in server to stop the arguing and determine who got warden. now there are several ways to do this, if you recognize the voices then you go off the first voice you heard, however more likely since i don't think jings has played with smoker much so the voice would not really be recognized straight up, you both called it at what appears to be the same time (you think you called it first because of delay) and in the end, jings name was below yours, meaning he had pressed mic first, and thus was given warden due to the ruling of that, as your voices probably called around the same time.


TL;DR "New Start" does not mean all your past infringements are completely forgotten, nor will they be, for a new start to be successful you must yourself become more understanding, and instead of raging at the things people are doing to you that you did to them prior, calm your little titties. And when an admin rules on who got warden when you speak at the same time, they are correct, and that person is warden.

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i agree with what Chrono says, there have been too many instances in the community of people saying "iv changed, and im starting fresh" and turn around and be their "old" self yet again.


now for the problem with smoker. i cant really have a say in it because i did not see it. but if what smoker is saying is true or not, that's something you should talk about with him or post in the admin/mod abuse thread.


Also no matter who you are, you will always get disrespect from everyone. i'm one of the nicest goddamn people in this community and i still get a shit ton of disrespect. just don't let it get to you to much. and the "disrespect" i saw today when i was on earlier, was not serious enough for action by a mod or admin, the person did stop after a while.

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