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Pbever - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

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I was banned for an apparent "Mass RDM" . Was it a mass RDM at all? No. I was playing CT on Jailbreak and it was a freeday. The T's broke into the armory before 7 : 30 which. at least from what I had been informed, was KOS. I killed the T's inside the armory and I must have ACCIDENTALLY killed a couple those outside as the door was open.

I had a different name at the time, keep in mind I do change names often, and the admins thought that I had mass RDM'd and had changed my name to evade a ban. I do understand why they may have thought this and I will admit, it did look bad.

The admins then messaged me stating that I was to be permanently banned from CT, which was unnecessary.

To be honest, I did not do anything wrong here. I shouldn't be permanently banned from CT nor should I be banned from your servers. I may have accidentally killed some of the T's that were lined up outside of the armory door, but that was simply an accident and it was unintentional. When I shoot, I almost never fire in bursts, I was firing full auto the whole time which further explains why I accidentally killed those Ts.

I'm not the best Counter Strike player, and my aim is not top-notch like many of the other players so mistakes do happen.

I'd like for my ban on CT to be removed, and for my ban on the servers to be removed.

Again, I'm new to jailbreak (started that day) so please, forgive me. I promise to be more careful in the future.

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Even though he sounds sincere in his ban protest. You still tried to lie your way out of it afterwards until we told you exactly who you were.


You were in the armory at 7: 30 by my clock. You sprayed into that crowd of T's at the door as soon as it opened. out of the 5-6 killed only 1 of them even made it inside the armory door.


I believe you knew EXACTLY what you were doing when you massed and then changed names. You could clearly see in chat when I tried to ban you but couldn't because of your name. You then changed your name to try and avoid the ban. Which, had I known at the time it was ban evasion, you would be be permanently server banned.


Even if it was accidental, he still tried to avoid a ban.


I am -1'ing this ban protest.

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-1 you mass freekilled, you said they were running into armory when half of them were just waiting by the door, like john said you broke rules that round. you avoid your ban and still broke rules, I dont want you unban for a log time (aka 2 months will be a long time for me to forget). What i dont like is that you changed your name after you killed them.

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i was there when i saw it happened, infact, i was one of the people he killed. his original name was "I'm a vagina flap" and if like john had said you believe you were in the right, there was NO reason to even change your name. @@xGJake was also a witness. -1

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I understand all of your reasons as to why you feel I was just being an asshole, but, please hear me out. If I was just a troll, would I go into all of trouble to get unbanned?


I hadn't eaten at all that day, my thought process was slow and I was tired, my judgement was impaired at the time. I'm sure you get excuses like this all the time, but I am being honest.


I will say I am sorry to all of those I killed and it was a mistake. The reason why I changed my name was because it was just a stupid and immature name, that's all. It was in no way intended to evade a ban.


If you decide to keep the bans, so be it. It is up to you. All I ask is for another chance, I will be more careful in the future and I will not make any stupid mistakes such as that.

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@@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Gkoo


If he is sincere about this then it won't hurt to unban him. If he does it again then we know he was lying.

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Alright, no one tagged me, but this was my ban. You changed your name in game to avoid being banned by admins, which is why you were banned. Leaving a server after mass freekilling gets you permanently banned from the server. It's about as bad when you change your name. You're attempting to avoid punishment. We aren't able to locate you to ban you if you change your name. Here is the record for your ban: Xeno Gamers

It's a one week ban from the server. Just wait it out. I know it's more or less bad timing on your part, just don't change your name while in game if you've fucked up.

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Because I cannot vouch for either party on this matter, I will be giving my say purely by what I believe is fair.


Whether or not it was accidental, a mass freekill is a mass freekill. However, what I want to know is if all of the kills were done in Armory. I will remind everyone that killing any Ts Regardless of the Time is justified so long as they are in Armory. Being in Armory under ANY circumstances deems any Terrorist a Rebel, with the exception of during Last Request.


With that in mind, any kills where the T was in Armory were not freekills, however the CT should Not be in Armory after 7: 30 and should be slain as such. What I am hearing from our Staff Member who dealt the CT ban was that he physically witnessed you shooting Terrorists Outside of Armory, which I am going to have to rely on since I was not present at the time.


As for the server ban, you were banned for a week under the reasoning of Ban Evasion. I will not interfere with this, because changing your name to avoid being targetted is still considered Ban Evasion and the appropriate course of action would be a ban for a period of time. @@DarkWolf6052 should he decide to either remove or lessen the ban time.


I do not feel you should be unbanned from CT so quickly, as it has only been a day. I want you to take a look at our MotD Rules and review them a bit while you wait out this CT ban, and if after a certain amount of time I have seen an improvement in knowledge of our rules, I will give my 1-up. I will however +1 for a shortened amount of time in the Server Ban, but again it is entirely up to Darkwolf.


- Dat guy, Forest

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what I want to know is if all of the kills were done in Armory. I will remind everyone that killing any Ts Regardless of the Time is justified so long as they are in Armory.
he killed only 1 or 2 people in armory and the rest were waiting outside for him. also keep in mind that when you are being shot at the reaction is to run away so those two could of ran into armory to avoid dieing. regardless though i keep my -1 in place.

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I understand all of your reasons as to why you feel I was just being an asshole, but, please hear me out. If I was just a troll, would I go into all of trouble to get unbanned?


I hadn't eaten at all that day, my thought process was slow and I was tired, my judgement was impaired at the time. I'm sure you get excuses like this all the time, but I am being honest.


I will say I am sorry to all of those I killed and it was a mistake. The reason why I changed my name was because it was just a stupid and immature name, that's all. It was in no way intended to evade a ban.


If you decide to keep the bans, so be it. It is up to you. All I ask is for another chance, I will be more careful in the future and I will not make any stupid mistakes such as that.

well then sir you should have eaten breakfast (or lunch/dinner) before playing, please learn from your mistakes and maybe you'll be un ct banned (very rare chance at that)


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Even though he sounds sincere in his ban protest. You still tried to lie your way out of it afterwards until we told you exactly who you were.


You were in the armory at 7: 30 by my clock. You sprayed into that crowd of T's at the door as soon as it opened. out of the 5-6 killed only 1 of them even made it inside the armory door.


I believe you knew EXACTLY what you were doing when you massed and then changed names. You could clearly see in chat when I tried to ban you but couldn't because of your name. You then changed your name to try and avoid the ban. Which, had I known at the time it was ban evasion, you would be be permanently server banned.


Even if it was accidental, he still tried to avoid a ban.


I am -1'ing this ban protest.



Xeno Gamers - Search


Reasources haha...does anyone ever think that he changed his name but had no idea he mass freekilled. I don't know seems wierd to me.

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@@Forest he's saying the kid is completely lying. Saying that day was his "first day." Look at the logs, he had been on 3 times before.

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