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daddiodoug - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

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Previously in xG:


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You don't seem to break the rules if any, and you are if not always on when im on meaning you are quite active. Little brushing up on the MOTD and your golden. You also participate in calling warden so that's always a good thing.




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Decision: +1


Reason: Doug has been a friend of mine for some time now and helped me through some rough times. He is somewhat new to the server so the rule need to be implemented in his head first (takes time I know). For what I have seen he doesn't rule break (or at least doesn't rule break intentionally) and he is fun to play a match of LoL with or bhop with. Like I do with most member applications I do take into consideration the question "What can this player offer us?" I know doug has experience with powers in gmod and has an understanding of how powers work on cs:s also so he might be a possible candidate to be part of the staff (I know there is more to it than just knowing the powers).


Activity: 9/10


Maturity: 8/10 (mature for his age)

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Good player and active. knows the MOTD quite well. Never mic spams, if anything he should use his mic more :)





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@@tree please specify why u wish to +1


So This guy is pretty good, your pretty active and know the motd a little. Maybe re-read it over again, that might help people decide easier.


a: 8/10


D: +1

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"1" isn't a vote, really, fix dat shit :cat:


1. Hug me first then I'll consider it.

2. For some reason whenever I pick the +1 icon it doesn't work properly, not sure why.

3. Satan

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