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Source SDK- Hammer Editor help

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I am creating a very large map for a project for school. I can't really release any pictures because I would get into a lot of trouble, all I can tell you is that its really big. It exceeds the number of unique verts that a BSP file can compile into; due to its size. I found the best way to remedy this is to split the building up into different maps, but I do not know how to load one map into another, like what is done in Half-Life or Portal. (I am making this map to run in Portal 1) Also there are very large hallways which would be problematic because you would be able to shoot a portal into an unloaded map, I think that the way to solve this is to created an emancipation grid before every loading place. How would I go about importing an emancipation grid?



How to split Hammer map into diff maps and connect them using loading screens? How to make emancipation grids in Hammer editor?


Thanks in advance

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Use Valve Batch Compile Tool (VBCT) to compile large files.


Now for inserting an Emancipation Grid into Hammer. I have never attempted a portal map, however an Emacipation Grid would probably just be a Prop. Set a entity down, set it as prop_static and browse the World Model for that grid. Once again I have never tried myself at a portal map so I would not know specifically.


For the splitting the game into two differant maps. I've never seen it done but it would seem as Portal should use this a lot.

I'll tag @@snakeboyeric into this. He has much more experience than me.




Also. I have a question for you. How is your SDK working? I thought the new Steam update broke it. I am still having trouble with it and would like to start mapping again.



I'll tag CS:GO mappers too. They may help.


Uhh. Who else?

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first of all, the way the "large map thing" works is that they have entities to load a file which is the next step after the level. I have never in my time of mapping heard of a way to do the thing you're doing.

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I may be wrong, but I don't recollect being able to exceed the allocated space for mapping on the grid, forgive me if I am.

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For your question about loading screens, I can't fully remember since it's been awhile since my last hl2 map; but decompile an old hl2 map and have a look there. Should give you your answer.

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Thanks for the help guys, also my SDK is working fine other than the occasional file not found error; which in that case I just save it as another name AND just recently this started: when I try to compile the map, Half Life 2 starts but the map doesn't open, even when i try to open it using console. It says its not a valid bsp file. May be just a noob mistake of mine.

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Hello, I was also having issues with my Hammer editor. Everytime I would do a full compile of a map, my computer would either go into "safe-mode" or it would just crash hammer. I'm not sure if this is the same issue you're having, but I was able to counteract some of this problem by boosting my fanspeeds. Again this may be a different problem than yours because I think I was just overheating my comp. But if it helps, then good

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Hello, I was also having issues with my Hammer editor. Everytime I would do a full compile of a map, my computer would either go into "safe-mode" or it would just crash hammer. I'm not sure if this is the same issue you're having, but I was able to counteract some of this problem by boosting my fanspeeds. Again this may be a different problem than yours because I think I was just overheating my comp. But if it helps, then good



Do you use vbct? Or Hammer's compiler?

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Never happened with me before so I can't really give a good suggestion, try deleting your local content and reinstalling it. I can't really suggest anything, sorry.

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