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It is after five and your a T. The warden says look at him at all times. Then the warden says to turn around and face somewhere else. If you do this then you will be killed, but also if you don't do this you should be kill too because you didn't follow the order. I don't get how your suppose to know which to do and which not to do because the order is to turn around but you're allowed to tarp. So basically if you do either of these actions, you're a rebel for not following orders or for following orders. I just wanted to make sure you guys know what this sounds like .-.

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It is after five and your a T. The warden says look at him at all times. Then the warden says to turn around and face somewhere else.

The Warden has ordered you to turn and face somewhere else, therefore their previous order is null and void. If any T gets killed for doing what the Warden has ordered them to do, then it is a freekill. Remember that if Ts are not following the Warden's orders within a reasonable amount of time, they are delaying and may be killed.


Even if it is after 5:00 and tarping is allowed, this doesn't mean freekilling is allowed. Tarping in itself will honestly hurt the CTs more then it will the Ts (end up with CTs being slain for freekilling due to a tarp order).


To sum this all up, if the Warden has ordered you to look away from him, then you Must do so, otherwise you are delaying the order, which is a killable offence.


TL;DR - If you are killed for looking away when the Warden told you to do so, then it is a freekill. It may be a tarp, but a freekill is a freekill as you were simply doing orders.


- Dat guy, Forest

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It is after five and your a T. The warden says look at him at all times. Then the warden says to turn around and face somewhere else.

The Warden has ordered you to turn and face somewhere else, therefore their previous order is null and void. If any T gets killed for doing what the Warden has ordered them to do, then it is a freekill. Remember that if Ts are not following the Warden's orders within a reasonable amount of time, they are delaying and may be killed.


Even if it is after 5:00 and tarping is allowed, this doesn't mean freekilling is allowed. Tarping in itself will honestly hurt the CTs more then it will the Ts (end up with CTs being slain for freekilling due to a tarp order).


To sum this all up, if the Warden has ordered you to look away from him, then you Must do so, otherwise you are delaying the order, which is a killable offence.


TL;DR - If you are killed for looking away when the Warden told you to do so, then it is a freekill. It may be a tarp, but a freekill is a freekill as you were simply doing orders.


- Dat guy, Forest

Any time you need to sum something up, get forest on the job

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I said face me at all times. Then after 5 i said "just look at the winners podium for me". One did, I killed him.

I did say face me at all times, and this is how I've always seen it done. Like restricting jumping and saying "okay jump" after five. People have always played it as you obey the first rule and don't listen to tarps. That's the whole point of the MOTD saying "TARPING AFTER FIVE AND THREE ORDERS HAVE GONE BY IS ALLOWED"

@@DarkWolf6052 Was there. I hope he saw but I don't feel it matters.


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Also almost everyone gets this tarping rule. The other guy was even saying "Don't do it, it's a tarp, he'll kill you" :L

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yeah dashie but that's why the rules say we can tarp after 5. You should've followed the order in which i explicitly said face me at all times :p

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Oh, my bad, didn't realize the "at all times". Read it as "the warden says to look at him. Then the warden says to turn around and face somewhere else." If he said anything along the lines of:


"Must be facing Warden at all times"

"Must be facing Warden from this point on"

"Must be facing Warden unless told otherwise"


Etc, then it's technically justified. So long as the warden isn't Tarping Before 5:00 and has mentioned one of the above (or any other variations).


Although, with all of that said, I caution any Warden who uses this method as it is highly likely to result in portions of Ts being killed for not doing it as well as doing it (unfair kills). Not to mention it'll most likely lower your likeability on the server.


Sorry for the confusion m8

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The only tarping I ever liked was the 'when I type go/say go' tarp. For all other instances we must remember the Warden's holy commandment #4:

Thall shall not be a dick.

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