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Alright **** it

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For awhile i've though about just leaving xG and be free to do the **** i want. After some incidents, Im Leaving xG because Some People Should do their **** Better


Fu ck This Sh it

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Why would you talk and post immature things if you want to be taken seriously ? You lost mod, and then critic others for actually doing their job. You know me, I would have taken what you said to consideration, and even slayed him, but you know I didnt so obviously me and Jay were busy with other admin duties. Anyways, you disrespect us and then complain that people actually respond to that said disrespect. I really dont want you to leave xG completely, but if you are just gonna keep up your current habits, then there is nothing that I can think of to persuade you to stay or to persuade myself to keep you here.


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I've thought of it many times to, but I haven't left...............yet. I understand why you left, a lot of the people here seem to be very immature especially most moderators, not all. I probably will leave soon. Getting tired of this ******** to Arthman, I'll miss you <3 (No homo)


Edit: Specially the mods that disrespect you for being new, and not just mods, also players, I hate when people see a new player and say "LOL WHAT A NOOB LETS TROLL HIM", What kind of clan will we turn into after lots of that? 3 players? possibly. Most mods and admins (all admins actually) have been doing their job, but some mods choose to be total retards and abuse, and disrespect the entire lobby depending what game. I believe this is what is making people leave, bad moderation. Silence, if your reading this, I suggest (not like my opinion matters) trusting the admins and Div-leaders and Co-owners to watch the "Jr.s" (mods) language and wording. Jay for example is mostly an ******* to me, and he always says "I'm gonna slay the entire lobby" (No proof of course but It's happened). I'm on the edge of quitting. Not like anyone will care.

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Seriously Im tired of all these complaints on mods or w.e, if you guys see (LEGIT) people being stupid on our servers that arent making the game fun, post on the forums with proof, or stop complaining.

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lol good, we dont need your quick temper anyways.
Meh Says the guys with the !slay all? Man your just an idiot.


And aegean, I've provided proof and yet nothing happened.

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Meh Says the guys with the !slay all? Man your just an idiot.


And aegean, I've provided proof and yet nothing happened.

***************************************************, Censored to decrease chance of BAN HAMMAAA


EDIT: I don't want any part in this anymore, I love aegean (no homo) and Arthman (no homo) so I won't even talk. Not like anyone will read it anyway :/

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Meh Says the guys with the !slay all? Man your just an idiot.


And aegean, I've provided proof and yet nothing happened.


If I may interject, A picture says a thousands words. Whether the words are good or bad, you have to decide.


You cannot CT ban a person for one mishap, unless 2 or more massive freekilling, with solid proof. The way you are describing the mods, you make them seem as if they don't care, or if they have fun making fun of you. The point is, one picture may provide a thousand words, but only one example of the larger picture. And please-

Stop disrespecting the admins.

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how is Do your job disrespecting? And we ALL damn know Im terrible in english and i saw insert ON MULTIPLE other server freekilling. I couldnt THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE and i was trying to save the LR guy. Is that a crime? No again it's Good intentions that everybody take badly Just because of my ****ING grammar

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First off, when i say that im joking. You dont have proof because ive never actually slayed a whole lobby because A. thats blatantly abuse and B. its not going to/never will happen.


Secondly, i was harsh to you today because you kept spamming freekiller or "johnny has no mic move him now" which isnt illegal to be on CT with.

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Your grammar was fine, and you know what disrespect is. You are french-english, and you know very well what you were saying. You were implying we were slacking off, which is why you got the kick from jay. A bunch of admins and mods are stepping down as they cant handle all the argueing and @FREEKILL and stuff like HURRY UP, so telling us to just (do our job) does not help with anything. Anyways, you act as if you got banned, you can go back in the server anytime and continue playing as if nothing happened.

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how is Do your job disrespecting? And we ALL damn know Im terrible in english and i saw insert ON MULTIPLE other server freekilling. I couldnt THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE and i was trying to save the LR guy. Is that a crime? No again it's Good intentions that everybody take badly Just because of my ****ING grammar


Do you remember as a child when you had chores? Your parents would constantly remind to do them and do them, and the more you were asked, the more frustrated you get.


The same basic situation is happening. Now I'm not saying "Don't leave Arthman, we love you", but I am also not saying "Go away and never come back". I am trying to say that you won't hopefully say anything you will regret, if you do leave or not. Please Arthman, consider your actions. If you want to leave, nobody is stopping you. Just remember your not walking out on us, your walking out on yourself.

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oh So for you, I know what im saying? Well YOur wrong. Most of the time when i see something and i know theres Little time i just type what comes up in my mind first, And also I dont consider myself english because i began learning it Not even 2 years ago

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