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Dates and Times of Late Nite Jailbreak.

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Late night JB is bad imo, SOME people want to enjoy the game and not be slayed every second by someone else, all this is , is an excuse to abuse (You guys knew it wasn't allowed when u got staff powers, stop trying to find excuses to do so). It's not a horrible idea, but you guys aren't treating it as a lenient day, you're treating it as a "Lets abuse day" Late night in older xG, was lenient, shit was enforced, yet we didn't have people massfreekilling every second, or calling wardays in cells, If you TRULY wanted to populate servers, you would do community nights, face it, "late night JB " is an excuse to abuse, as soon as it turned 11: 30 admins only started abusing, slaying and kicking eachother. This doesn't look good to newcomers, they will see us as disorganized, and without rules. Causing them to tell theirfriends not to come, and then you guys wonder why xG isn't as populated as it used to be. This shouldn't be allowed to be a day, the only reason stuff ISN'T lenient is because you all complain about rules, making them strict as hell. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@serbiansnaga @@Rhododendron Idk who approved it, but you should "Disapprove" it, or however you call it,.

Also, you guys can say "Don't ruin our fun", idrc though, if you guys hate the rules so much, then play on a different server, with less rules.


No TLDR lazy people

Seriously. We don't need you guys abusing. If we get Abuse Reports on you guys, I don't give a flying fuck if it was Community Night or not. If you fucked up too badly, you're probably going to risk losing your powers.

There are limits. You know these limits. If you guys are going to use Community Night as an excuse to freeslay the entire server again and again, or abuse your powers excessively otherwise, you can say goodbye to your powers. See how you guys like being slain by admins and you have no say against it. I bet it ain't very fun.


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Let me ask everyone something. Take this from a new users point of view.

You find a new Jailbreak server you want to try out. You join. Play a few rounds, everything is okay, then suddenly, an admin uses the !smite @all command.

Firstly, would that bug you? One time free smite? Probably not one time.

But then, the next round, it happens again, and again.

Would you stick around this server?

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Let me ask everyone something. Take this from a new users point of view.

You find a new Jailbreak server you want to try out. You join. Play a few rounds, everything is okay, then suddenly, an admin uses the !smite @all command.

Firstly, would that bug you? One time free smite? Probably not one time.

But then, the next round, it happens again, and again.

Would you stick around this server?

I would.


To me, if I were playing a few rounds before the mass smite, I would feel that this is a relaxed server and I would more or less 'adapt' to it. And when the mass smite comes along, I would probably be a tiny bit bugged (like really, really small) but it's something I would look over. Now other people, I can't vouch for. I personally love it when things are chaotic on servers. But I can understand why people wouldn't like it. Yes, it would seem unorganized, and yes, it would seem irresponsible of the staff to be using their powers like this. But it's all part of the fun.


And from an old member's point of view, it was very reminiscent of back when I used to play in 2011 or whatnot. I remember staying up long nights laughing my ass off at CTs freekilling their buddies then slaying themselves. And personally, I think keeping Late Night instated is well worth the risk of scaring off players, just in the simple hope that there are more that like chaotic nights as much as I do.

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This doesn't look good to newcomers, they will see us as disorganized, and without rules. Causing them to tell theirfriends not to come

Who does this? honestly, no friends on css mention to not go on a server, it's what you think about the server yourself..


Would you stick around this server?

Like what has been said, We've told the people who join multiple times of what's going on, if they can't read it, nor take it for one night out of seven, that's their fault and they can come back in the morning...

(Plus the only person who went overboard was daddio) :D

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@@Perman00bJr ,I'm one of the oldest(going by how long in xG, not age) in xG (Older than most people, Not silence, Maybe serb, september 2011 was first time i played) and as i said, stuff was lenient but it wasn't mass slay every round / abuse admin chat. it was a fun kind of abuse, not one thats gonna irritate the players.

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