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GanjaMonster - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:


Offender's Steam ID:


Rules Broken:

DDOS Threats



He thinks he can get away with everything. he threatens to ddos me and in via chat, annoys me and fucking threatens me alot. he has so many perms and thinks hes perfect when I have 1 perm in my record... (already dealt with by darkwolf: hes abused mod channel powers by kicking me over calling him an idiot in darkwolfs channel because he was yelling at more over stateing that a ct cannot leave cell block without wardens permission to rebell hunt, it states in rules that cts must be with ts' at all times. so and I followed it.

I was warden at the time and when I was doing noballs I said that jumping was restricted a 5:00 and standing was restricted at 4:55. at 4:15 I said jumping was unrestricted at 4:00 and a t jumped before and I shot him mid air and ganja started bitching at me about it being trollish and free killing and that I was makeing my own rules up ( I didn't) , so I told him stfu and he started kicking me in the channel. I hope this clarifies everything and if this gets sorted out, ganja is a really annoying troll....



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LOL SO THIS WHOLE TIME U BITCHED IN TEAMSPEAK ABOUT DIFFERENT SHIT, disrespecting ME and other MODS/ADMINS in that channel they will all soon be in here posting their thoughts. I REQUEST SHADOW TO BE RE-PERMED in this community for trolling once again.

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@@MrAwesome104 you are friends with ganajmonster and prob would stick by his side but lol, you were egging him on to do the ddos, I would like to let you know its DARKWOLF's cahnnel not yours or anyone elses, and not everyone agreed, darkwolf never agreed. just you,ganaja and orange did.

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Ganaj you have your friends in with you, orangejuice and mrawesome. thats not going to prove or vote through anything because there is alot more mods in that channel than just you 3. I would advise you to stop being a troll because you were bugging me through chat pming me about makeing this or threatning to ddos me...

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Ganaj you have your friends in with you, orangejuice and mrawesome. thats not going to prove or vote through anything because there is alot more mods in that channel than just you 3. I would advise you to stop being a troll because you were bugging me through chat pming me about makeing this or threatning to ddos me...

LOL your calling him a troll? your the biggest troll iv seen in forever ganja is far from a troll you were dissrespecting every 1 in the room you were getting kicked for it quit your bitching

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orange your a fucking troll also, I was not trolling, the definition of you are a brainless pair of fruit, you don't even know a definition of a troll because I AM NOT A FUCKING TROLL. I agreed that I would leave my past behind inorder to get unbanned and I have proven to darkwolf and serb that I changed and left that past. I agreed that if I trolled I would be gone perm for good. I didn't troll anymore nor did anything trollish. orangejuice, you have been trolling and disrespecting me and other people from the start, you were warned by forest not to kick and I don't kick you. and you broke that agreement. I called you an idiot and you kicked me for it, thats hardly disrespect little child. learn to think orange before talking because you are infecting the air we breathe with bullshit.

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orange your a fucking troll also, I was not trolling, the definition of you are a brainless pair of fruit, you don't even know a definition of a troll because I AM NOT A FUCKING TROLL. I agreed that I would leave my past behind inorder to get unbanned and I have proven to darkwolf and serb that I changed and left that past. I agreed that if I trolled I would be gone perm for good. I didn't troll anymore nor did anything trollish. orangejuice, you have been trolling and disrespecting me and other people from the start, you were warned by forest not to kick and I don't kick you. and you broke that agreement. I called you an idiot and you kicked me for it, thats hardly disrespect little child. learn to think orange before talking because you are infecting the air we breathe with bullshit.

You are so dumb i kicked u cuz u were invalidly kicking people and after u and ganja got mod taken away you were calling him Idiot , Fag, Retard he requested i kick u so i kicked u

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Holy shit. This all escalated from a kick. You both need to just shut the fuck up about it.

I'm not going to -1 or +1 but this is how I see it.

Orange kicked Shadow for minor disrespect.

Shadow kicked orange for the reason (disrespect)

Ganja kicked shadow for kicking orange and disrespect

Shadow and Ganja then proceded to have a kicking war.

Both of their moderator powers were removed.


As for the DDOS threat. I see no threat. That statement was not made towards your or the situation that was at hand. People in the current channel were saying "ganja's packet shack" and junk. They made a joke about Billy Mays and I wrote that. In no way was it written for threatening ddos. I see no threat in that statement.


I'm sorry shadow. I was going to stay neutral but orange sorta dragged me into it. I felt as if the quote needed explaining.

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snail-abandons-thread.gif I don't know why this is escalating from a kick, i can't really say anything since i wasn't there, but from what i read this is just wow.

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