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xg stumpy - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:

xg stumpy

Offender's Steam ID:

xg stumpy

Rules Broken:

Freekilling on multiple counts. falsly acusing of lagging server on purpose <failspelling>. And racial slurs.


Ask anyone on the server. besides stumpy of course :3

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-1. First things first, you have no real proof to support anything that you're claiming. Secondly, someone accusing you of lagging the server isn't a bannable offense at all, it wouldn't really warrant even a gag in my opinion. I looked at the chat logs for stumpy for the past few days, and he only said a racial slur one time, which would be only a gag (depending on the situation). From also checking the chat logs, it seems that you decided to degrade him as well, which doesn't really help your cause at all, as from what I can tell stumpy didn't really do anything to you.


Stumpy's chat logs: Rankings | Xeno Gamers

T4ze's chat logs: Xeno Gamers - Search

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This post seems like a personal vendetta between you and me. Yes I may have accused you of lagging the server as a joke, which you may have taken wrongly, but I have never freekilled you.

-1 lack of evidence

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Ask anyone on the server.

Please provide valid proof when posting a Ban Request. We cannot act on words alone, nor can we rely on "witnesses". You should provide at the very least, picture proof. Video proof would be best, which you can obtain by "demoing" (record [insert name] > stop) or by using third-party recording software (Fraps). #Closed


~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods

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