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Petition To Implement The Perma Mute Gmask Clause

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Petition to mute Gmask 2014, Constant usage of voice changer to make himself sound like a 8 year old over a period of 4 or so months despite being 14 and sounding similar anyway. This action would be an overall improvement to the XG Tf2 community servers.


Offenses seen in specifics:

- Usage of Changer to act like someone who plays Call of Duty Actively during prepubescent stage of development

- Usage of Changer to call various members on server "Skrubz" as seen typed by offender whilst spamming (whatever the fuck Skrubz are)

- Usage of Changer to chant the phrase "Crab People" in an attempt to be 2 kewl 4 skool

- Usage of Changer during non-sharing of Warden to bother all players involved on both Blue and Red teams by giving incoherent orders and repeatedly using trite and cliché phrases such as "Du u evn lft bro"

- Usage of Changer along with another user who constantly changes name to avoid recognition and to spam server as a group effort

(At least when he does these it has been creative to an extent)


I am sure many other players can vouch for the validity of this claim as they will in the comment section below


P.S. This user is a member of XG

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If he is constantly breaking rules such as spamming and using voice changers then he needs to be banned. 'Perma mute' isn't a thing, mutes, gags and silences are removed by rejoining the server. Also, mutes, gags and silences are only temporary punishments that lead up to kicks and bans. @MuffinMonster, #move to ban request.

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Hardly a joke, he has been muted multiple times just comes back on and continues on with his actions. Multiple people including myself have asked quite politely to stop the spam, but seems to only do so when a moderator comes on. He was just muted and kicked today approx 2 hours ago for using it and came back on saying that he was sorry. (Sorry until he does it again tomorrow)

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Hardly a joke, he has been muted multiple times just comes back on and continues on with his actions. Multiple people including myself have asked quite politely to stop the spam, but seems to only do so when a moderator comes on. He was just muted and kicked today approx 2 hours ago for using it and came back on saying that he was sorry. (Sorry until he does it again tomorrow)

If he only stops when staff joins the server then just collect actual proof when no staff is on, screenies or demos.

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Oh god... Do you guys really think i use a voice changer? If i actually had one, i wouldnt use it because i dont want to get banned. 2nd of all, there is no rule saying you cant change your voice.

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Also, i dont do this to piss ppl off. I do it for laughs.

Its not like im hurting anyone too.


Are you denying that Mods have repeatedly told you to stop using the voice changer/you throwing your voice, yet you do it anyway.

It bothers quite a large number of people and if you find it funny i FIND it hard to believe you are over the age of 14 let alone 12 and are thus not supposed to even be part of this group.


P.S. It hurts my Sanity and I am unable to just mute you in game as you often like to use the changer/voice throwing while you take warden


Oh god... Do you guys really think i use a voice changer? If i actually had one, i wouldnt use it because i dont want to get banned. 2nd of all, there is no rule saying you cant change your voice.


If you want to get technical here about rules be my guest.


Rules against what you do from General Server rules General Server MOTD/Community Rules. | Xeno Gamers (Numerically based off of the rules themselves)


5. No trolling whatsoever. Verbally attacking a person will get you banned.


12. No using voice changers ingame, if a mod or admin asks you to turn it off, you must turn it off. (must be obvious ie. autotune)


Now rules from Jailbreak specifically TF2 Jailbreak Rules | Xeno Gamers


  • Listen to the staff on our servers, they have the final say. (You continue to use the changer/ whatever you claim it to be after being told to stop by multiple mods)
  • English Only (You are often incoherent and what you say while using your changer is hardly English)


Your Rebuttal would be appreciated if you have one

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Just close it.

I feel that after he has read this he knows that he can't keep his shenanigans up without repercussions. If I see him doing it again then ill just record it as I have video software and we can see where it goes from there

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