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Origins - Team Fortress 2

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@Meezel, make a petition if you want, but you might want to make gathering proof your first priority. @EveryoneElse, this thread is already 3 pages long and the majority of the posts are just pointless back-and-forth arguing. How about we stop arguing & spamming until TS gets something resembling proof of origins abusing.

The evidence is my main priority I am just unable to do anything about it at the moment

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My butt


buddies look at you and speed going berserk on insane for demoting him temp. Banning someone for making you angry I saw the other abuse report on you for banning a admin because he made you mad and wasn't respecting you. I even talk to insane he even said you try to act like a your some kind of god. Go ahead call me immature for having a good time I'm fudgeing 15 can you blame me to have a good time for once in a while. Also warned me 0 times as soon as I said it he went no I'm done then kicked. How about you respect the community and loosen up.


I hold true to my word that origins can act like a god against everyone else on the server. Being sometimes a bit to cocky, and should relax a bit. I enjoy jailbreak cause the people who play are fun and cool. But when origins is on its strict and just takes the fun out of the game.


Some examples:

~I was escaping running to get ammo and there are 2-3 reds left, origins is on blue saying that im "camping for LR" and was going to slay me, if it wasnt for Nora who told origins that i wasnt camping and that i was moving, i would have been slayed / kicked.


~Origins was giving orders as warden and i just said something when he was finished and told me to "shut up before u get kicked" in to which i replied in a quiet whisper "sorry" with NO INTENT on asking like fabreeze when he whispers in his mic. ( and no there was no warning of being muted/gagged )


Although i may not have screen shots/ recordings of these incident i will, try start to getting some...... if we could record replays on the servers using the TF2 function >.>


That's not proof. Proof is screenshots and demos of abuse, not 15 random people that will say someone is "Over his head".

I agree with Theneva although i do agree with Meezel about origins, but not much proof backing it up.


I could easily get 15 people to agree with me that you're all homos.


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