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Survival Team

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Okay please don't yell at me if this is the wrong thread to post it in. I didn't really know :P

So basically you have to think of a great team that could get you through any scenario. Okay so the person who posts there team then chooses a scenario for the next person. Fluency is bad sorry guys.

Classes you choose for survival




Live Bait



Brute- Brick (Borderlands)

Scout-Unsain Bolt

Hunter-Bear Grylls (Man v.s Wild)

Live Bait- Teemo (League of Legends)

Badass- Carlton (Fresh Price of Bel Air)

SCENARIO: Zombie Apocalypse

Alright go. Also sorry if this is not the right place to post this. I just wanted so forum games :P

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Basically you give out your team for survival. So pick any class and person from any fandom or game or etc. when your done you name a scenario that the next person does that scenrio

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;-; how come when you post a fourm game everybody plays. Logic is depressing.... Imma go cry now.... dunt halp meh :depressed:

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So let me get this straight:


First person posts a team of Characters depending on what is given, IE:





Live Bait



Then the next person posts a scenario for the first person? I'm not quite getting it. Also, what does giving a Scenario mean for the next person?

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So let me get this straight:


First person posts a team of Characters depending on what is given, IE:





Live Bait



Then the next person posts a scenario for the first person? I'm not quite getting it. Also, what does giving a Scenario mean for the next person?

Yes thank you forest. I apologize everyone my fluency is terrible

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I'm probably going to suck at this, I don't know many characters for those classes

It's okay you can pick anyone in the world or anything imaginable. If you get my meaning so have fun with it

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Also, what does giving a Scenario mean for the next person?

It's like an event that would be a life or death situation like a plane crash or a entire revolution. Have fun with it though

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