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Who's this Soiran Guy?

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This Soiran guy in many people's people opinion shouldn't even be on cts I can't understand his accent and he freekills all the time he got so annoying I removed him from my friends list BTW can ct's go inside vents if they're open and they never saw a T go in i'm a little confused.

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Soiarn's accent is understandable. To me, at least. Then again, I've spent a lot of time around European accents (travel, friends, etc.)

And a CT can go in vents that are open if a T isn't in them as long as they keep moving and don't camp.

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Soiarn's accent is understandable. To me, at least. Then again, I've spent a lot of time around European accents (travel, friends, etc.)

And a CT can go in vents that are open if a T isn't in them as long as they keep moving and don't camp.


agreed. I can understand him fine.

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Soiarn is a pretty cool guy. He is just inexperienced as warden/CT. I've seen people advise him to play T and observe, but they usually do it in a demeaning way, so it is easy to understand why he would not listen to them.

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Well... your not really supposed to go threw vents even if they don't need breaking unless your chasing a T. I don't know why you guys think that is ok. I understand that if there are rebel'rs hiding that you have to look for them and thats ok if you go right threw and don't stop. However T's are not supposed to sit and cap in vents either.

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I can understand him perfectly fine, it's just that he isn't the best warden. The only reason I don't like him being warden is because it's non-stop *****ing with people spamming "REPEAT, CANT UNDERSTAND YOU, BLAH BLAH BLAH FREEEEDAAAYYYYY". Also about the vent thing, i've pretty much always known it as you can go in them if they are open. The only reason I go in them is to look for rebels. If it is the beginning of a round and the cell doors open WITH A VENT OPEN AND NO T IN THE CELL, do you expect me to NOT go in the vent? I didn't see anyone go in there, but I know one did. I think it should be that if they are open, CTs can go in looking for rebels. (Not including just going to armory to get new guns, etc.)

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See the problem I have with him is when he freekills and he doesn't recognize it his accent I cannot understand I think that an admin

or someone should reason with him or something so people can stop trolling him aand isn't that kind of racist? Making fun of people's


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Soiarn is fine, but I just started seeing him playing on the JB server so he doesn't really know all the rules of xG, like other people said in this post, he should be a T and people should try and tell him without like trolling..

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