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Team Fortress 2

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Previously in xG:


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:whistle:Hey, imma try this again. So I've been in Xg about a year and a half now but am not a member. Alot of you know me and I thought I might as well join. Well... when my first attempt failed, pissed off one or two for whatever, and got in trouble for sentry building shenanigans involving everyone on Jailbreak at the time, it was apperant: I wasnt going to get membership on that old thread. So here I am again. I just like hanging out xg so... vouch if you don't hate me.

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So if your wondering who I had "beef" with, it was earlier when I got a little ticked at @John_Madden. He's just just strict and called me "negative" even though I wasn't being serious as I hardly ever am. Oh, AND I DID APPLY YA NUBS. I got like 9 replies that were a +1 and a -1. :shifty: >:|

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So if your wondering who I had "beef" with, it was earlier when I got a little ticked at @John_Madden. He's just just strict and called me "negative" even though I wasn't being serious as I hardly ever am. Oh, AND I DID APPLY YA NUBS. I got like 9 replies that were a +1 and a -1. :shifty: >:|

Mainly because you were breaking rules. However I have made a change of heart and I believe user is active and would be a good addition to the clan (that is as long as he doesn't break rules)

M: 8/10

A: 9/10


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I literally never +1 anymore so GG

+1 is in order here

A: 7/10



Broke rules but punishments were given and all is well now/

Took ya long enough you nerd ;)

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