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Kaze - garrys mod

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Garrys Mod

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When i rdm people ? i dint rdm anybody plus i got 3 days ban. I really love you server and now i cant play your server. Why you do this admin eyesofdeath983 ? please unban me i need play.

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It is only a 3 day ban. Plus, rdm should be strictly not allowed. @eyesofdeath983 . Can you explain what happend as well as the banned or in this case @Kaze . @Stickz is a reasonable guy to talk to if you have any questions

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You threw 2 grenades at a player at the beginning of the round, injuring him with the first, then killing him with the 2nd, then left immediately after. I know uve played on our server a few times previously so you know the rules about RDMing. 3 day ban is regular for players who "RDM and leave" but I have said what has happened and I will let our lord and savior @Stickz take it from here

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Pending response from @Kaze, I haven't decided what to do yet. If no adequate response is received before expiration, the ban will automatically roll off and this thread will be closed.

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