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Question about moderator promotion

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How does one become selected to moderate a server? And what exactly do they have to do in order to get to that point?


---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 PM ----------


I know i haven't been a member for too long but i think i would make a great moderator for the surf server because i always play there. And i know that quite frequently there are people that come on there that should be kicked or banned. Such as I ran into a racist ******* on there today and there was no moderators on there at the time. So im just putting my case out that i think i would make a good moderator for the surf server because im on there ALOT! :) get back at me :)

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When a man grows worthy, the Spirits take notice and, in the middle of the night, when you hear a raspy voice singing an ancient psalm about the apocalypse in a mythic tongue, follow it into the darkness. There, in a ritual blood rite, you shall see the Hooded Choosers of Fate. They shall ask you to perform three tasks, proving your virtuosity in the Sacred Virtues. Should you pass the tasks and then provide a single gift of your Loved Most Dear, then you shall be made a moderator.


You don't even want to know how the Admins are chosen. All I'm going to say is, Mar'Kathius, Locus of Souls is involved.

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that sounds extremely complicated and spiritual kinda like summoning dragons... but yea i'd like to know anyways :) just to you know kind of improve my knowledge :p

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Blunt add me I'm always on Surf and I've been in your shoes before. I'll gladly help no questions asked, of course unless I'm busy in another server, other than that I'll be on before you could say "hey I need help"

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Haha just a quick heads up, we do not like when people ASK for mod, and really do not accept it :P This does go for everyone. Thanks for the offer though to help our servers (:


Anyways for your question, basically you get mod and you have the ability to check sprays, make people switch teams, mute them, gag them, ban them, slay them etc. Once you get mod in CSS, you get it for all our servers (Anything with xG tag). Mod is basically an Admin in training, so if you are active after being mod for a while, and do not break our rules (for example abuse) you will be promoted.

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