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On arch we have a package named debtap it let's you run .deb on arch instead of writing a build script is Layman the same thing

No there are no packages in Gentoo. The whole idea is if you compile something on the system you will be using it, there will be a performance increase. So there's a framework for writing the build scripts in files with the .ebuild extension. They are mostly copy and paste but you just convert compilation parameters into script parameters. It also has a patch system. Nothing really complicated.

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I have used Ubuntu MATE on my laptop since mid-June (obviously with the MATE DE).

I installed SteamOS on my desktop a week back and I am dual-booting Windows 7 with it.

I have tried out Mint (Cinnamon) in a VM and it looked pretty cool so I might use that a bit.

Arch Linux will come later when I know what the hell I'm doing.

Gentoo is just out of the question.


EDIT: removed "not", how the hell did that get there.

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