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Requests For The Morbus Server

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Welcome to the Xeno Gamers Morbus Feedback Thread!


Edit By Stickz: Below is where server improvements can be suggested for our Morbus server. We (the Morbus staff) would love to hear your feedback for improving the server experience; also, to involve players in the decision and inform them of changes currently being made! Gamemode issues should be reported on the Morbus Github, instead of inside this thread!


Let's get this thread started with changes currently being implemented.@Stickz Some important things I think we need for the Morbus server. Many servers have these things but as of now we are lacking some of these features.


1. Spray Tracker - It is close to impossible to enforce the "No Pornographic Sprays" rule without a spray tracker. Whenever I see or am contacted about a pornographic spray, there is nothing I can do because I have no way of knowing who sprayed it.

2. Tool tips/Server wide messages - I don't think users on our Morbus server even know we have a website. If we had tool tips displaying messages such as "Visit XenoGamers.com and sign up today!" I strongly believe we would have more members joining from Garry's Mod and maybe even a few more moderators which we desperately need. We might even get some feedback and suggestions on ways to improve the server. Another way tool tips would help would be to give the newer/inexperienced players some tips on how to play the game, because as of now, many of the newer players are really struggling as Brood Alien. Having messages such as "Press C to use upgrade points and V to transform" or "Shooting as a Brood Alien does significantly less damage and lowers your sanity" would help those players out a bit and improve the enjoyment of the game.

3. !unstuck command - Rarely do players get stuck after the rubber banding issues are gone, but when it does happen, a user has 2 options, either an admin has to be on the server to !tp them, or they have to kill themselves. Both are very inefficient and slow for the player and the admins. With unstuck, they can just free themselves from the wall. It is a very common feature on most servers.

4. Skandalon and Turbatio - We need to see if the drowning code can be put back on the server so we can get these maps put on. We haven't officially tested Turbatio with players yet and I think we should give Skandalon another go, it has been over a year since we've played it and I do not know what public opinion of the map is.


I will add to this list as time goes by and as more things pop up. If anyone else has any ideas please add them. preferably with a reason why.

Edited by Vertex (see edit history)

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Merging swarm haste & leap as one swarm update : Should I do that?


Add Sorting Algorithm to RDM logs : merge damage lines by the same attacker and defender. (less console flooding)


4. Skandalon and Turbatio - We need to see if the drowning code can be put back on the server so we can get these maps put on. We haven't officially tested Turbatio with players yet and I think we should give Skandalon another go, it has been over a year since we've played it and I do not know what public opinion of the map is.

Water drowning code needed which costs a lot of CPU usage cycles. To be delayed until further improvements are made to perf.


2. Tool tips/Server wide messages

These need to be merged with the morbus gamemode so clients can toggle them off.


1. Spray Tracker - It is close to impossible to enforce the "No pronographic Sprays" rule without a spray tracker. Whenever I see or am contacted about a pronographic spray, there is nothing I can do because I have no way of knowing who sprayed it.


3. !unstuck command - Rarely do players get stuck after the rubber banding issues are gone, but when it does happen, a user has 2 options, either an admin has to be on the server to !tp them, or they have to kill themselves. Both are very inefficient and slow for the player and the admins. With unstuck, they can just free themselves from the wall. It is a very common feature on most servers.

I am still looking for these on workshop, github etc. If someone has a link, it would speed up the process tremendously.

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Add birds from zombie survival. These can fly around the and talk over microphones when they've found a target player. It will resolve the issue of players getting stuck in spectator for minutes due to a bad brood.

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Merging swarm haste & leap as one swarm update : Should I do that?

I agree with that, I rarely see players with haste and leap so it might encourage a few more players to buy that upgrade.


Add Sorting Algorithm to RDM logs : merge damage lines by the same attacker and defender. (less console flooding)

You will have to show me what you mean, I'm a bit confused.

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You will have to show me what you mean, I'm a bit confused.


Instead of this.

[01:06] [Damage] Vertex (BROOD ALIEN) has damaged Gringo (HUMAN) [Mars3: 5]
[01:06] [Damage] Vertex (BROOD ALIEN) has damaged Gringo (HUMAN) [Mars3: 6]
[01:07] [Damage] Vertex (BROOD ALIEN) has damaged Gringo (HUMAN) [Mars3: 7]


It should look like this. (assuming nothing else is in-between)

[01:06-01:07] [Damage] Vertex (BROOD ALIEN) has damaged Gringo (HUMAN) [Mars3: 18]

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Auto-Ban Mass Rdmers: Players who have three first damage rdms in a single round, should be automatically banned from the server. Excluding our personal steam accounts and other accounts for used for management purposes.

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Mass RDM is when a user has committed 3+ RDM’s in a single round. When this occurs, ban the player for 2 weeks, even if it is their first offence.


Auto-Ban Mass Rdmers: Players who have three first damage rdms in a single round, should be automatically banned from the server. Excluding our personal steam accounts and other accounts for used for management purposes.


Might as well if they are supposed to be banned anyway.

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Broadcast Ban Messages - Make it so when we ban a player on the server it broadcasts a message like "Vertex has been permanently banned for Mass RDM". This way the players on the server know we are actually enforcing rules. This is something I have been approached about by players on the server several times. I do not want players thinking we let RDMing occur, having this message will show them that we actually do something about it. Perhaps we could even make it so it broadcasts when we slay a player, since we are doing that a lot more now?


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Broadcast Ban Messages - Make it so when we ban a player on the server it broadcasts a message like "Vertex has been permanently banned for Mass RDM". This way the players on the server know we are actually enforcing rules. This is something I have been approached about by players on the server several times. I do not want players thinking we let RDMing occur, having this message will show them that we actually do something about it. Perhaps we could even make it so it broadcasts when we slay a player, since we are doing that a lot more now?



I think certain major offensives that everyone agrees with can be broadcasted; but, as far as sending everything, this will do more harm than good.


For instance these things should be broadcasted.

Gringo was removed from the server for spraying pornography.
Gringo was removed from the server for mass rdming. (shooting everyone on sight)
Gringo was removed from the server for claiming a room. (shooting everyone who entered it)


Controversial things shouldn't broadcasted.

Gringo was slayed for rdming someone.
Gringo was banned because he keeps rdming.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Putting the reason for the slays would be bad yes, besides I don't think ULX even let's you put a reason for them. You could just do the message through ULX like !ban <user> [<time>] [<reason>] and it fills in a generic message based on the info. eg "

>[user] has been banned for [Time], Reason: [Reason]. 


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I'd have to do something like this.


!Mass Gringo.

!Claim Gringo

!Porn Gringo


It would automatically ban them and notify everyone on the server. This would be easier for moderators as the hard-defined duration would be used instead of having to input a custom duration.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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@Stickz Put the Tesla back on? We've had it fixed and ready for a while now don't we just need to put it back on the server?


That requires testing. It broke when the reload exploit was patched. I'm busy until the weekend.


The test server has static spawns on spaceship which I hard-coded into the arming file for testing purposes. That's how it worked when we tested it last, but when it got onto the main server with dynamic spawns (they spawn randomly). It didn't function properly.


If you want to test it yourself, you can try putting this file on the test server. Then seeing if spawns work properly (not on spaceship) and the reload exploit is fixed. The directory structure is the same for the test server as posted on github from gamemodes on.

Morbus/shared.lua at master · Remscar/Morbus · GitHub

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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