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Colour's Goodbye

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Colour asked me to post this for you guys.


Made this thread to tell you cuties why I exactly left. Lot's of people messaged me, and were confused why.


Let me start off by saying THIS IS NOT BECAUSE I DID NOT GET ADMIN.


It was combination of the following things:

1) 60% of the clan is composed of annoying kids younger than 14 who are not active on the forums or teamspeak. (rough guesstimation)

2) Most of the mods/admins/co-leaders USED to be active, but no longer are. I don't see why their positions don't get passed down.

3) Nothing really gets done about people who make the clan look bad. (I suppose high-ranked members don't trust mods enough)


Now let me go into more detail about them.

1) The kids on this server have gotten out of hand. We always say there should be new rules to keep this from happening; but the kids are STILL getting in, and STILL causing problems on the server. They are almost all immature (such as zehdari, charcopandakid, or zapper). Only a FEW really deserve to be representing this clan (such as Vero jr). I flat-out do not like playing the jailbreak server, because if I were to get on, I would have to mute 100000000000000000000 inbred, ignorant children who just do not know how to stop screaming at the top of their lungs.

2) This is a list of admins/coleaders/moderators who are really not too active: nickname, psycho (he is sometimes on minigames, a server that doesn't even require use of powers honestly), health100, selby, serbian (maybe comes on jailbreak for an hour every other day), g00nsquad, and Aegean. I know people will be thinking "Aegean? not active? what?" but come on, he isn't on any more than serbian. I haven't even seen g00nsquad for like 2 weeks.

3) I have been told by someone (PSYCHO) that people in this clan don't like me because I don't know how to joke, and i'm too serious. The reason I am like this, is because I am ALWAYS looking out for the clan. I try to make this a GREAT clan with little trolling, little annoyance, and friendly players. I've posted ban requests on the people that make it bad. People are always being disrespectful too each other and nothing happens. Even though I am a moderator, my and 7-ish other player's words were not enough to get someone banned who was constantly mic spamming and being disrespectful. Of course he is better now, but that's just because he could have gotten banned for it.


Summary: Anyways, i'm probably not going to join the clan again (even if I wanted) and the thing is that I don't even care. The leaders don't know what's going on with the servers, they don't know who to place their trust in. Moderator's words aren't in any higher standing than a member's.


Besides...school starts soon and I wouldn't even be playing as much. It was a nice run, bye to those who I TRULY like: Hudson, High Plains, Xavien, Microsoft, Billy Mays, Ghost, Poncher, Duckford, and other's who are respectful and not annoying.

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I put "and others who are respectful and not annoying." This includes JB and otherwordly (this.is.not.colour.so.please.dont.ban.this.forum.account.too.thanks<3) (its really me lol shh)

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thats what i heard, But anyways we only letting the younger players in due to the members of this clan vouches... Also, if people are to spam to the point its annoying i don't see why not mute/kick them.

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a lame one lul... Also we let some of the inactive admins abit more time before demotionz, Anyways... Goodbai Colourz also before you leave you have to pay me a cookie kthnx.

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It's not surprising, he's been hinting at wanting to leave for awhile. It's a shame to see him finally go though. He was, in my opinion, the best moderator we had. 'Tis a shame, sir, 'tis a shame.

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Because when I mute/kick someone, an admin abuse thread pops up. Duckford gets not cookies unless pays me in drugs and marijuana plant


Do we need to get something straight? You mute and kicked me for saying lol and rofl. You're kidding me right?

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