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My New Knife!

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Well, here's the thing. I don't know what type of knife it even is.

I was hoping you, the population of xG, could help identify it.


It's very close to a Butterfly/Balisong, except for one thing. The blade is horizontal and the handles are flat.

Not quite a balisong, indeed.





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he cut himself over teamspeak and told us how its bleeding profusely and how he cut it short but deep, and that it bled through the bandages and that he might need stitches. he also "i might die from this" and i told him to go to the hospital and he said "nah i dont need to for this" and i was like wtf ur bleeding and u say u might die yet u dont go, then stuff and such happened, he dunked his hand in cold water and it stopped bleeding, the end.

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I went on a trip to the Lakota Wolf Preserve with my buddies from the Zoo i work at, and in the gift shop was a knife. Its handle was a wolf with emerald eyes all hand carved and painted and it was complete awesomeness, but alas when i looked at the price 149.99 I was all like fudgeddaboutit and went crying home. THe End.

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