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Thinking about joining the military...

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I'm thinking about joining the military but I don't know the pro's and con's of each branch I would like to be an engineer or an infantryman but I don't know about it yet... anybody with military experience would you like to give me some pro's and con's of your branch or what you know of other branches? Thanks :)

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You should go on 4chan, the /k/ board. There are a lot of threads like this. It's pretty much: Do what your higher ups say. Exactly. You can't **** up a single button on your uniform. Boot camp is a lot of hard exercise but mostly inspection this, inspection that. Some higher ups are nutcases. As one guy once said "This one crazy drill instructor made our 3 slowest runners drink this blue cleaning fluid and they threw up. I told the Military Police and he was booted out of instruction duty. Apparently this guy had done the same a few months ago but was still pending trial." But things like that are a 1/1 million chance. You should read that board sometime.


P.S. I'm pretty sure he said that was the marines but I don't remember exactly.

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im 100% sure i want to join the military but i have no clue what branch i turn 17 in a few days which means i can legally go talk to a recruiter and sign up... but i think im just gonna go talk to them about each branch and figure it out from there....

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I joined the Marines back in 2005 when i was 17 years old i just graduated high school, I turned down 2 scholarships for ECU. and decided to join the Marines 2 days after i graduated. Got my mom and dad to agree and I contracted in as a combat engineer/1103. and 24 hrs later i was off to Parris Island,SC for bootcamp. The Marines though is not a walk in the park, their goal is to break you down mentally, and rebuild you through boot camp. Which last 97 days, If you make it through recruit training you will go to MCT. which is a type of school to learn about your job which i have put what i did below this. This usually takes of the 1st year of your contract. and most Marines do this in camp lejeune, NC, This place is HUGE city of Marines. From there most Marines Head over to 29 palms California for some combat training. Unless you request to train over somewhere else, like japan,Germany those kind of places and your request is accepted, Usually you do all these request before starting your initial schooling. It is just a request though, no promises to get to go where you want.


My job was EOD and EOR which means Explosive ordinance Disposal, and Explosive Ordinance Reconnaissance . Basically in 1 job you removed the threat by defusing or detonating the bomb. The other it is your job to go out and locate the explosive with the aid of a bomb dog,Buffalo, just plain eyeballs.



http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/271005_228781793810177_100000350747502_771714_5258287_n.jpg ( This is bullet)

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/259802_228779700477053_100000350747502_771668_5161994_n.jpg( This is a Buffalo)



http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/264587_228779087143781_100000350747502_771657_2985731_n.jpg ( Serious note you ALWAYS NEED something soft for your head, even here)

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/263008_228781433810213_100000350747502_771702_5354901_n.jpg ( Someone has to build the base.)



1103 is a infantry MOS, or job you use alot of numbers and abbreviations in the Marines, to describe countless things.


The Marines are by far the toughest branch to join. If you think you can handle the mental side of it, then the physical side is a cake walk, just like other branches alot of running and working out classes to learn medical, and other things important to working in the field. Marines are just a bit harder and alot more yelling in my opinion.

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Depends on what your into bro. I have full support of my parents (mainly because my father was in the army) and I'm planning to join right after I graduate from USAFA, also because you have to serve 6 years but yeah.


If your looking for combat you'll see more with the Marines and Army of course. But the Marines do more of "patrol" while the army does more of the securing, but you might be doing that in the Marines too. My information isn't too crediable so I'd go to your nearest recruiting station and just talk with every branch and see what they have to offer. But combat is pretty shitty, my dad was a 18D with the Army SF for 4 years.



GOOD LUCK MAN, and I hope you make the right decision whether its to join or not.

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Do not go hoping to seek combat, It is not what any movie or any thing you have heard. It is a different mindset there and that is the only way to explain it. And definitely not pretty **** as snoopy put it best.

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My grandparents and uncle have been in the Army, and my dad in the Navy for 15 years. They all told me the same thing, it is the hardest thing they have ever done. No matter what you do, I wish you good luck (:

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My suggestion....go to college and join a ROTC and then you can join as an officer if you major in what they tell you to.

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I talked to my parents about the marines and neither one of them will sign for me... so i thought about being a tacp in the airforce... or a cct

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Majorb, I mean NO disprespect in any way, but why would you turn down 2 scholarships to be a marine? Unless being a marine is like your dream, I can't imagine turning down a scholarship to fight for a country that's going down the drain as it is. :/

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