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Member Name: neteX


What game?: Counter Strike Source


Your In-Game Name: neteX


Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:36637894


Ban Reason: Well you see, I don't really know why I was banned.


When I was unbanned, I got told to not troll or threat on the server.

Since Xavien10 was on my friendslist, I thought why not troll him in private chat, and if he dosnt like it, he can just delete me and block me.


Unban Reason: I didn't do anything wrong, he was my friend since i joined XG and then he backstabs me and puts a Discussion about my unban, like who cares? past is the past, unbanned is unbanned, no need to discuss anything.


You cant just ban me because I told you off on steam chat, thats why its called Steam chat, to take shit outside of the servers, to private chat, you dont like it , delete me, don have to put with my bullshit.


Anyway, I didnt troll on the server and I didnt threat on the server, I dont deserve a ban, Xavien backstabbed me, and thinking its cool to ban me with his admin powers cuz i told him off on steam chat.

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You constantly troll, you ADMITED to mass freekilling, changed your name and trolled, then wonder why you were banned?


Maybe it's because you don't know when to stop.

Smokey was right.

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Technicaly, If he trolled in steam chat, No In server punishment is suposed to be given. Therefore, if it is the case, It is abuse. On another hand, If he trolled on server, a week ban is abit too much for the crime. if He mass freekilled, Then he deff needa be CT banned, Not Server banned.

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When i was unbanned, I didnt even say "fukc" in the server at all.

And Ducki said, if i get disrespected, I can disrespect back, but I won't cuz i said i changed.

@ Brian, I didnt change my name to troll again, I changed it cuz my gf was playing at the time, And I just didnt change it back, Also I changed for like 1 map to have fun with Rabid = Monica.


We didnt troll we just had fun .


I dont deserve this ban!

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+1 on unban, meaning i dont want him unbanned, he trolled xavien over chat and thought that he was immune to admin powers (paraphrased), then he gets on jb expecting nothing to happen to him cause he trolled off of the xg servers at which point xavien banned him for trolling him. just cause he is/was ur friend, that doesnt mean that hes always gonna be ur friend, if he goes against u, then thats his choice, not urs to make. on top of that, why are u complaining, u said it urself "this is the internet", then u go and write a ban protest for jb. use the week ban that u have and go practice for esea that u way u arent "wasting" time on jb, or better yet, get rdy for school and/or go to school if it has already started

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