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Camping T's during Last CT

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I realized something recently when it comes to people hiding from the last CT. Yes I can understand they are trying not to get killed, but when there are people camping through the entire last CT long after the music stops and still hides, I think its a bit ridiculous. Is there or should we have a rule where after the music stop they should at least come out cause some people get a bit pissy when the last CT can't find the camping T's

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As a Rebel, the entire point is to hide/ evade the CTS to the best of our ability, even down to the last one. If were "forced" to come out and basically face a death just because its last ct, thats kind of dumb, and defeats any purpose of rebelling at all.

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Guess what?

Peechis and I put this in the MOTD.

Then you ask, "By whose request?"

Silence's. That's whose.





Whoever changed it hasn't even been on the server with this bullcrap ._.


Needless to say, I was/am mad.

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I think that the best thing to do is that when the music is no longer playing, if the ts are still camping someone should slay them because it gets really annoying.

I dont know if this used to be a rule before or something, but I think its a good idea

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i think that the best thing to do is that when the music is no longer playing, if the ts are still camping someone should slay them because it gets really annoying.

I dont know if this used to be a rule before or something, but i think its a good idea


thats a great idea!!!!!!!!!

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thats a great idea!!!!!!!!!


But is it great enough! I would say, something more easy on mods/admins/co-leads/leads. My sugguestion was that those "camping" T's would eventually show up on the CT's Mini Map, aswell as have a Beacon around them. Say it activated at 1:45 into Last CT. Much easier on everyone, even the T's that anoylingly Blood Hound :/

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SliperyFingers' idea of the Ts having a beacon is a great idea, you can still camp BUT people are more likely to be found if they're beaconed.

+1 for his idea

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