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[xG] Members

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I'm constantly freekilled by [xG] members. fix this by kicking banning etc... i honestly get freekilled more by xG members than anyone else, and that REALLLLLYYY SAYS SOMETHING about the clan.

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A. I'm pretty sure the majority of CT's are [xG], because more active players have mics. It's probably a thing of chance.

B. Ban request is your friend. Run fraps occasionally.

C. "Really says something about the clan." Pardon the hostility, but if you're going to trash and disrespect the clan, then you can just leave or not play.

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The only reason I don't run fraps? I don't like 4 gb videos for 10 minutes of footage, i dont like having to merge them, and i dont like uploading large files.

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I feel ya never, I always get freekilled and noone ever seems to do about it, like now cariss is basically saying dont and gtfo if you dont like the clan. I would stay however. I <3 Haters. :)

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i have trouble believing this because

a) if an xG mod or admin sees it, they slay the person xG or not

b) most, and i do say MOST members of xG slay themselves if they freekill and know it

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I think whats happening is a result of volume and association; since there are so many xG members, lets say 80% of the population compared to 20% of the regular/randoms, we can say that 80% of the freekills will be done by xG members.


Additionally, you probably notice it more when xG members freekill because you are in an xG server; but to claim that it negatively reflects on the clan itself is foolhardy considering the lax admissions process and the fact that sometimes mistakes happen; you just notice it more when an xG member does it.

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I agree with the people above, most xG members know that they should slay themselves after a freekill. I always slay after a freekill, and I try to tell others to do the same. I think the biggest problems with freekilling is with the random people who join and have no idea what they are doing / do not know the rules. Those people frustrate me, but I believe nothing can be done, unless a mod/admin slays him/her.

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No, I disagree. I think XG members are a bit more assertive in THIER clan... They own it, why not rule what's theirs? When I play, I see XG members having a blast and not shitting their pants over the stupidest things... And what DOES it say about the clan? That we are happy and united?

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A. I dont care

B.This is retarded

C. Your retarded


Thank you for your contributions, sir!


---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------


No, I disagree. I think XG members are a bit more assertive in THIER clan... They own it, why not rule what's theirs? When I play, I see XG members having a blast and not shitting their pants over the stupidest things... And what DOES it say about the clan? That we are happy and united?

Er, I don't understand what you are trying to say in this post. I think, if the people are happy, do not fix what is not broken.

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