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Remembering 9/11/2001

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anyone bother to ask how many iraqi civilians died when we invaded iraq in 2003? over a million, yet more media attention is focused on the 3000 that died, yet the million are forgotten

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anyone bother to ask how many iraqi civilians died when we invaded iraq in 2003? over a million, yet more media attention is focused on the 3000 that died, yet the million are forgotten




Sorry for being a . But they're insignifigant as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to sound like one of those american bigot stereotypes, but thier lives are nothing compared to ours. Considering our 3k that died were high-class people who were working in the WTC changing the world, and the hundreds of thousands of iraqi farmers and poor peasant city-dwellers wouldn't have changed anything in the long-term, I'd say we have the worse loss. And I know "you shouldn't think of people as objects etc.", but I'm a pyschopath so that's how I roll. I don't give a about political correctness Survival of the fittest. My country vs. thier's. And yet hundreds of thousands die every day in third world countries like Uganda and nobody gives a , but as soon as a few hundred thousand civilians die people go crazy. Numbers are insignificant. People die all the time. Like, 12 students and 1 teacher are killed in the Columbine Massacare and everyone goes CRAZY. That same year millions died in Sierra Leone during a civil war and people only semi-cared because of diamonds.


Inb4 "Future hitler has spoken." or "you're a horrible person"

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Oh and carismmi, i just dont like to talk about it to be honest. i mean, what if it happend to chicago, my dads a cop and he probaly would have died. i just like to pass it away as fast as i can so it doesnt get to me to much. sorry no disrespect intended.

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Oh and carismmi, i just dont like to talk about it to be honest. i mean, what if it happend to chicago, my dads a cop and he probaly would have died. i just like to pass it away as fast as i can so it doesnt get to me to much. sorry no disrespect intended.


No it's cool I was overreacting and you were too young to remember really. Like I was in 2nd grade and barely remember.


And serb sorry for turning this into a global-socio-political debate

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its fine carissimi, i just mean my mom tells me my dad was in a shootout, and he heard the bullet whiz past his head. what if he survived 9/11 (if it hit chicago), and then he died there. i just dont like talking about sad stuff.

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May all the lives lost Rest In Peace. Btw I dont understand why americans were so happy they killed Osama Bin Laden, it took you about a whole century to find 1 guy, just 1, and these ing americans are chanting "USA" thinking we won some , there is no accomplishment, the war is far from over, and people are still being killed on a daily basis, civilians, innocent kids, and Us soldiers.

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Sorry for being a . But they're insignifigant as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to sound like one of those american bigot stereotypes, but thier lives are nothing compared to ours. Considering our 3k that died were high-class people who were working in the WTC changing the world, and the hundreds of thousands of iraqi farmers and poor peasant city-dwellers wouldn't have changed anything in the long-term, I'd say we have the worse loss. And I know "you shouldn't think of people as objects etc.", but I'm a pyschopath so that's how I roll. I don't give a about political correctness Survival of the fittest. My country vs. thier's. And yet hundreds of thousands die every day in third world countries like Uganda and nobody gives a , but as soon as a few hundred thousand civilians die people go crazy. Numbers are insignificant. People die all the time. Like, 12 students and 1 teacher are killed in the Columbine Massacare and everyone goes CRAZY. That same year millions died in Sierra Leone during a civil war and people only semi-cared because of diamonds.


Inb4 "Future hitler has spoken." or "you're a horrible person"


3k ppl in a country of 300 mil is nothing compared to a million in a country of 30 million, its a big hit to their economy and labour force. thats 3% of a countrys population gone, imagine if it was for the US, they woudl go ing apeshit and invade every country suspected of harboring terrorists. also the cost of the invasion doesnt justify the ppl that were killed in 9/11, hundreds of billions have been spent by the US in the war in iraq, whereas the insurgents use $50 bombs to fight back. the weighing of both sides shows that the 9/11 attacks was not worth the invasion of afghanistan and iraq

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