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Petition - New Rules for CSS by Us

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Suggestion of Rule

By Members of the Community



The Advertising Rule


I said T3K ftw ( as for i might join but i still support xG) and then i was perm banned. I didnt advertise and i didnt donate 50 bucks to get perm banned


The advertising rule has had a lot of problems lately. People being banned for pressing a binded button on the keyboard by mistake is a little out there. Now, granted having a binded advertisment button is suspicious, there is a problem with doing it as well. There should be a new against this, especially since the servers are getting more and more popular everyday. People are going to advertise, and if they are going to advertise, then they need a solid reason, rather than banning for a mistake.


If any person advertises another clan, he or she should suffer the consequences.


If a person advertises.....

1st Offence = Kick/5 Minute Ban

2nd Offence = 1440 minute/3 Day ban

3rd Offence = Permanent Ban

/ = Either

If they mass advertise, treat offence 3 as 1



The Admin Disrespect Rule


admin disrespect: its assumed that ppl know who admins are, the admins who dont have an admin tag on confuse others cause they dont know they are an admin and might talk back to them over rules.


Many people have been calling admins terrible, or telling them to do their job. People don't seem to understand that they cannot do everything at once. What really brings people's jarates to a boil is when they spam admin chat. We need a new and improved rule on people calling out admins, as it gets really frustrating when you have people telling you they would be better for the job. This rule, however , will only apply to those who are wearing proper tags.


If a person disrespects a known admin, he or she should suffer the consequences.


If a person direspects.....

1st Offence = Warning

2nd Offence = Mute/Gag/Slay for an entire round

3rd Offence = Kick/5 minute ban

4th Offence = Permanent Ban

If they are spamming admin chat, treat offence 3 as 1


The "When I Say Go" Repeating Rule


People have been complaining that when the warden say "When I say go" and then repeats himself, he is technically saying go, and therefore cannot kill him. On the hand if he instead repeats "When I say the magic word" people exclaim it's a tarp, and ask for an admin to slay. This gets confusing, and people end up getting free-killed, as it is no fun for anybody in any situation.


When a person repeats and says I say go, it should not be treated as a go, but as a repeat.


If a person complains.....

1st Offence = Explanation/Warning (Explain the rule)

2nd Offence = Gag/Mute

3rd Offence = Kick


The Camping for Last Request/Counter Terrorist Rule


Camping for lr and and camping for last ct on freeday ..there should be some rules for that


Many people have been camping for last request/CT, and getting annoyed because while they are fighting, others simply camp for last request/CT. There needs to be a rule about this, as it is no fun when a person finds a clever hiding spot, and then he or she can instantly obtain last request/CT.


If a person is caught camping in an area for more then 45 seconds, he or she will suffer consequences.


If a person camps.....

1st Offence = Warning

2nd Offence = Slay

3rd Offence = Kick/CT Ban

If they camp for extended periods or in sessions, treat offence 2 as 1.


The Vote Mute/Kick Rule


Is there any way we can impliment things like this? Sometimes if there are no admins/mods on people get away with bull**** like mic spamming, freekilling (not mass freekilling), or gun spamming. I try to contact mods and admins but they don't always get back to me so the players and I are left taking bull**** that would only be solved using the forums. But things like vent shooting or blantant freekills have no notice and last for a nanosecond, so I doubt anybody is going to use the GB's to record thier whole session. I think voting could be an easy way to get rid of trolls for a day or a few hours, as long as 1/2 the people agree with it.


Many people have had debates over this, and I believe there is only one way to solve this. Allow it, but put only in affect for Tee's and muting only. Vote-kick and Vote-ban will be abused, but vote mute will only last until the round ends. In addition, we can also vary the amount of time muting takes place, from one to five minutes. We could also have VIPs whom we trust to start a vote-ban.


You can only vote-mute if the person is disrupting gameplay, such as mic-spam.


If a person vote-mutes without reason.....

1st Offence = Kick

2nd Offence = 10 Minute Ban

3rd Offence = Perma-Ban

If they vote-mute randomly and in sessions, treat offence 3 as 1.



Feel free to leave thoughts and suggestions.

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The Advertising Rule: +1 I thought it was already a rule

The Admin Disrespect Rule: +1 but Isn't this already a rule?

The "When I Say Go" Repeating Rule: +1 semantics are bs

The Camping for Last Request/Counter Terrorist Rule: +1 It really delays the round sometimes

The Vote Mute/Kick Rule: -1, ask an admin or mod to come. We have plenty of mods and admins who are super active and will accpet any friend request (like me)

The T's with Guns Rule: -1 NONONONONO that would be way too long. Too many CTs would be killed trying to type out stuff

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For the love of God +1 for camping the last CT/LR rule. I cannot stress enough how much I hate people camping for it and I can't slay the T's because it's not allowed =\


The Admin Disrespect Rule: +1 but Isn't this already a rule?f

Yes its a rule, it usually starts with a warning, kick, then ban for how long (depending on how bad their disrespecting) For me, I ban them from an hour to 1 day *shurgs*

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For the love of God +1 for camping the last CT/LR rule. I cannot stress enough how much I hate people camping for it and I can't slay the T's because it's not allowed =\



Yes its a rule, it usually starts with a warning, kick, then ban for how long (depending on how bad their disrespecting) For me, I ban them from an hour to 1 day *shurgs*


The rule is very vague, and I thought it needed clarifying.

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I think the rules are fine the way they are. Honestly the only rule I think that is worth enforcing is the Camping Policy, the rest of the rules are redundant (especially the admin abuse policy) and pretty much already covered by the MOTD.


I think what really needs to happen is that admins should not feel so threatened by the prospect of getting in trouble and/or 'abusing' because most of the time, even when you do your job right people will hate you for it anyways since the player base is mostly immature children anyways


Tl;dr, if you don't already kick/mute/ban someone for admin abuse, you need to grow a pair. We don't need more rules telling admins what they can do, we just need them to realize that they have power and a responsibility to enforce a proper playing ground.

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I think the rules are fine the way they are. Honestly the only rule I think that is worth enforcing is the Camping Policy, the rest of the rules are redundant (especially the admin abuse policy) and pretty much already covered by the MOTD.


I think what really needs to happen is that admins should not feel so threatened by the prospect of getting in trouble and/or 'abusing' because most of the time, even when you do your job right people will hate you for it anyways since the player base is mostly immature children anyways


Tl;dr, if you don't already kick/mute/ban someone for admin abuse, you need to grow a pair. We don't need more rules telling admins what they can do, we just need them to realize that they have power and a responsibility to enforce a proper playing ground.



Jeeze you are FOREVER against any sort of suggestion or amendment to the rules.


+1 to all of this


ALSO, my rule suggestion received a 68% majority vote (12-4) you should check it out. I figure if the community agrees then shouldnt it go into effect?


Can be found here:


Something needs to be done about this

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I have to disagree with the Camping rule when it applies to Ts. It is the CTs job to find rebellers, and if they cannot successfully complete that, then it is the CTs fault.


Ts have two jobs. They can listen or defy. It's THEIR choice, and camping comes along with defiance.


HOWEVER, +1 to everything else.

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I agree with all of the rules, except for camping for LR / Last CT... I beleive admins/mods should make a decision based on the circumstances. If a T manages to escape the wrath of the CTs, they should not be forced to come out and fight against 10 CTs. It does not seem fair to me... In the case of CTs, on a normal day they should be killed for not staying with Ts. On a warday / freeday, I think it is ok unless, as I said above, an admin/mod decides to slay based on the circumstances. (When I say circumstances, I mean if it is far past 0:00, have mobs of people complaining, etc.)


---------- Post added at 06:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------


But what I mean is, somebody should NOT be slayed for camping for more then 45 seconds. (As the OP says). That is crazy. :P

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Theres no rule against a T camping for LR unless hes camping in a vent, other than that its just considered rebelling. As for the others, +1 most of them are enforced anyways

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Now about the Vote Mute/Kick Rule...

  • muting should should require at least 1/3 of the people, and lasts for the length of two rounds. Muting and Gagging should be applied at the same time.
  • kicking should require at least 1/2 of the people, and it should only be able to be used against the voted player once an hour, even if the vote failed.
  • banning should require at lest 3/4 of the people, and lasts for 1 hour. Can only be used against the voted player once an hour, even if the vote failed.

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Good, but sometimes admins aren't doing their jobs to the fullest extent. I've seen the majority of admins completely disregard the ongoing game if they die, and just ALT-TAB out to go watch videos or something. It's sorta stupid, their job should be to watch the game, not pay attention when they're alive.

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