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Saying orders super fast?

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Ok, so apparently even if I repeat my orders, I can say them super fast to the point where people can't keep up, and only repeat twice. Happened earlier today, the two mods and admin that were on did nothing. Sorta reminds me of the whole "no limit to how many people you could kill in a trivia question" thing before MOTD was fixed. Anyways, if this could please be addressed, that would be nice. Otherwise i'm going to do the exact same thing until someone makes a change.

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So you have found a loophole in the rules, you think this rule needs to be changed, and you are admitting that you plan on continuing to abuse this loophole?


Seriously, don't. It just makes xG look bad if you do. Repeat your orders clearly and don't be an , especially if you have your tags on.

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No, I dont ACTUALLY plan on being an by doing the same thing that I complained about, at least for the sake of being an in the same way. I'm not going to be a hypocrite over something that irritates me THAT much. More so what rabid said, but I wont follow through on the killing business. Just really wish that something in MOTD could more properly outline how to give orders to prevent things like this happening.

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Im talking about other people doing it, and the admins take no action. I dont want them to slay, so much as just say "Keep the orders clear and dont say them super fast". Not too keen on having to sit out a long round because I couldnt understand what the orders meant.

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Saying stuff fast just to call warden is ok with me as long as they repeat the initial orders if they don't and/or everyone is like what the? Then I will get on their case. By the way if anyone from the clan that has powers to punish you and then you go what the hell why did I get slayed or kicked etc. You should contact the person who punished you and ask them what the reason was for other than complaining and getting very frustrated just trying to cut down on the rages and mic spams from conflicts in the servers.

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Guest Luka

Yes, keep them clear, repeat 2 times, nice and slow. :3

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I do this aswell, i say it extremly fast, than ask for a repeat. If they say yes, than i say it at normal speed, if they ask for a repeat, i say it slowly as if they have a mental problem or something xP

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