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May never see my nephew again...

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My brother Jake has been ingaged with a complete for some time now. They had a kid (my nephew) who i love very much. So that pretty much makes her my sister in law. Anyways... she is always ing to my brother and making him suffer. My nephews name is Landon btw. When Landon was very very young my sister in law used to drug Landon to make him fall asleep a lot just so SHE could get sleep. Whenever Landon cried I could hear her in the basement screaming and cussing at Landon when he was not even a year old! She ing used to try to make my dog bite Landon so that my dog would look bad and get his kicked for biting Landon. She is a cruel person. She didnt even ing make it to highschool she made it up to 8th grade. Her parents moved to Florida. They are also bad people. Her parents always seem to get her to do everything. So not long a go. About a few weeks a go she went down to Florida. With my nephew. She said she was going to be staying down there a while. Recently she has been a complete to my brother since she went down there. Most likely she will stay down there and I wont ever see her(im perfectly fine with) but also I wont ever see my nephew again. Oh and here is another thing...my nephews a few months over 2 years old...hasnt even said his first word. Anyways...now my brother doesnt even want her to come back or any that . He does of course want his kid though. My brother deserves to have his kid back. Not that ing fatass piece of who is going to around and not even take care of the kid. I love my nephew a lot. This makes me really really sad. He isnt going to even remember me. Not even probably going to remember his father cuz of that she probably wont tell about it when he grows older. Ive been shitty and sorta depressed all week and i will admit to u all..been thinking of suicide daily the past week. Dont call me some ing attention whore. I am not doing this for attention. This is completely serious for me. All that and now THIS. I love you Landon <3 live a good life. Dont let her be a to you. Make it through all your school years and become successful unlike your piece of you must call mother.

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one thing you could try...call child protective services and tell them of the situation. hopefully the will be sent to jail and landon will go somewhere better off. also, ive never encountered anyone who is contemplating suicide, so all the advice i can give is to be strong and find someone to talk to.

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them, Duckii Jr.. I'm sure Landon will be taken away from that they call a biological mother. I'm sure someone will blow the whistle on her and Landon will be put in a good home, but I think the best thing to do here is to call CPS and tell them what's going on.


Also, if you want to talk sometime about depression or just whatever, I'll be on tomorrow proabably on/off around 4pmish to 11pmish.

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