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U both trollfest eachother. U both do ABSOLUTLY nothing...besides for flame on the other. Neither of u do anything for this clan besides initiate fests. Were all pretty tired of it

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U both trollfest eachother. U both do ABSOLUTLY nothing...besides for flame on the other. Neither of u do anything for this clan besides initiate fests. Were all pretty tired of it

Sadly, I agree with everything poncher said.

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first of all, i never said netex can freekill and slay himself and can do it 2 times per map or round or whatever. so just for that i should ban netex for lying that admins said he could do something when they didnt

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Exactly, i was saying it was bullcrap that u said that. Poncher, i am sorry for what i said. You are a very good resource to the clan. I just kind of flipped because i thought it was unfair

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The Fact that Serbian was in the server and JTF Range admited it that he did freekill me and SLAYED himself.

I thought it would was allowed aslong as he slayedhimself.

Therefore I did do it, and Kenny gave me a warning to not do it again.

I never said that Serbian alows me to do it, It was ment like that becausse He didnt slay Range or CT Ban him.


&& Gunplanting gives a CT Ban kevin, not A 1 week ban.

Erm. whatelse whatelse, get the videos where u rage on ur mic throwing cuss words, and disrespecting my country, and my mom.

Huh? Whatsup with that, u always cut the scene where ur wrong.

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OMFG. Both of you stfu, you both constantly troll/flame each other and i'm ing tired of it. I say if this doesn't get solved (the fighting between the two of you) then you both get banned! Deal?

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EDIT: I only did it once to him , got a warning, and also got awarning from Aegean.

JTF Range did that to me for like 6 rounds, and I didnt rage, and you rage cuz u got killed for LR? Bro your a joke..

Anyway I'll take 1 week CT Ban for Gunplanting, not taking the 1 week ban from server cuz he instigated me for Trolling him , cursing my mom and my Country.

I was @ work on my touchpad with shitty mic, and didnt have fraps to record the part where he trolled my family.

Hes lucky on that cuz that would of deff get him a ban.

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IMO, you're both over reacting. Severely. Yes, Netex did do something, however. that does not justify any of the argueing currently happening, by doing so you are doing a couple of things. 1. everyone off. 2. Annoying everyone. 3. Making xG look bad. Netex is on probation correct? so 2-3 day ban should be okay. I don't know how probation works but as netex even says, NORMALLY it should only be a ct ban. Now throw in trolling probation and all that other . we're looking at a 2-4 day ban. Now that would be ONLY if he pulled on you. now assuming you did, which im certain you would of. it should be a 1 day ban max, or maybe even a CT ban "he trolled my family." Thats if he did ACTUALLY do it. talking about another persons family is and for cowards. NOW IN CONCLUSION 1 DAY BAN, OR 3 DAY CT BAN. NO MORE NO LESS.


---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------


And actually on a side note, grow the hell up. its a god damn game, so either stop your ing ing. Both of you. or get the hell out.

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+1 for ct ban, but I'd be game for a 1 week ban. Hell, even a permaban would be nice, albiet a bit harsh (he's been b& so many times before, even more than Soiarn).

He gun planted. He said "hey if i give you guys a gun can you kill that f*ggot?". Then he goes on to troll Kevin about his crosshair (total bs troll argument). It's completely unprofessional to change the subject and chastise his option preferences. Then this gets Kevin riled up and a qq war starts. I do not mean to start , but these are facts.

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Netex, you did say serbian said u can do that. your such a damn lier.


---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------


Wtf i never trolled your family what the are you talking about? I

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