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You Children Depress Me...

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Say 3 things bad about hon. :)

My guess is you played HoN And got wrecked, Or you haven't even tried it, and you don't give games chances, like a idiot



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Guys, i did not start this topic for butthurt fan boys to argue, now if you are not here because you want to play a game as a group or wanna try it and get some advice/help/team mates who don't go 0/9999999999/0 in game, then just shutup...



On a side-note: Rabid yes, i have played HoN. No I did not get wrecked, and i don't think that it is a bad game. I just dont like HoN because the only difference between the original DotA and HoN IN GAME is the heroes and items, that is it. they use the same looking map. its just as dark, same terrain style etc. the only difference out of game is the fact there is a UI that can be used to join games, talk to friends etc. whereas it was just normal BNET on WC3 for original DotA. The towers work almost exactly the same as in DotA etc. that is my reasoning behind playing LoL over HoN albeit i did not try HoN until it went F2P, so I don't know what it is like for subscription based players, but I have a feeling that there are not that many more benefits.





If you have a question or you wanna get a team going with xG, just join the chat room: XenoGamers

I'll be in there whenever I'm on, you can leave questions in there and i will answer them when i am not in game and we can play some 5s.

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