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Nivek is back

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Hey guys I'm back now. Finally got finished moving in and doing most of my college prep crap, so i can start to relax now. Good to be back and glad to see alot of new/more members in the clan.

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where have u been this entire time? i sent out massive search parties everywhere, i called every single law enforcement agency out there to track u down and return u safely, i hired black ops mercenaries (cause its not serious if there arent any black ops mercs FTMFW), i even had time agents travel back to see where u went the entire time, they had trouble surprisingly

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stfu turtle. Nivek is awesome glad to have you back man, i barely play any games anymore since im so busy with school and gotta ask this girl to a dance. scared :(

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+1 this guy. I've been playing with this broseph on the jailbreak servers for the past few days and hes a really good asset to the xG team. Would definitely recommend.


haha, thanks but this isnt mod submission you fool :P If I put in a submission now i know you'll have my back haha! If you go for mod ill definantly vouch for you :D

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