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Bf3 or Mw3 or both?!

Which of these 2 are u planning to buy?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these 2 are u planning to buy?

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Both, they are both great games, but people only compare because they are so similar in nature.



They are so similar? I beg to differ... wait i will differ! gwahahahaha!



BF3: 64 players, usable ground and air vehicles, large scale maps, squads, higher average player age, balanced, not , realistic.

MW3: 18 players max in one game mode... generally 12, unbalanced multiplayer, direct clone of MW2 but an added game mode stolen from Crysis, tiny as ffffuuuuuuuuu--- maps, solo play to dominate --------->, because average player age is 12, unrealistic (in sense that in multiplayer you can take about 4 bullets then run away sit in a corner for 5 seconds then tank 4 more, rinse repeat etc.) [single player sense: tank an entire army as one person, have things blow up and buildings crumble right infront of you... 2 feet away and feel no effect. {in the case of Black Ops: be sent on a mission where life completely pauses while you spot in a blackbird then go into a soviet base on a snowy mountain carrying 2 huge guns making no noise and people not hearing you sprinting on metal ground, then just happen to have a parachute and base jump off of the mountain when you start an avalanche that apparently does not fall off of the side of the mountain even though it came hurdling at you} did i mention unrealistic?





By far MW3 is the worse choice because it is practically an exact clone of the other games, whats different in multiplayer? they added a game mode they stole from Crysis.

why is BF3 the better choice? because it is all around better, you name one thing that is remotely good about COD in general and i can give you 10 different things of the same sort that are 100x better. not to mention it isnt a clone of their previous game reskinned and with a new "Ramirez" or "Mason"

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This forum is full of fanboys of bf3 that rip on mw3 with no arguements. -_______-


>doesn't read other people's posts

>thinks he is all knowing

>person posting about his fail uses '>' as if it were /v/ like a bawwwwssszzz

>his fw



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>doesn't read other people's posts

>thinks he is all knowing

>person posting about his fail uses '>' as if it were /v/ like a bawwwwssszzz

>his fw



So you're comparing a two different games one very slow and tactical paced with one that is arcade run and gun style? First of all a game with more slots DOES not make it a better game. Let me remind you there are not 64 slots on consoles. So you're theory that bf3 will rip mw3 is only related to PC. Calling a new game unbalanced before playing it really makes yourself look smart right? They got rid of the nuke, commando perk, last stand, stopping power, and one many army perk. Who knows it may still be unbalanced, but for right now no one knows. Let me remind you IW revamped the whole systems. Regarding copying a game mode from crysis, last time i remembered these two games are completely different? You might as well say MW3 and BF3 copied Counter Strike from 20 years back. With the theory shooting the sitting in a corner, obviously u havnt played the bf3 beta have you? Basically you hide in bushes and pick of players using your sniper. Im guessing this is also equivalent to "sitting in a corner". I love when kiddie fanboys use the word "Realistic" When ever was shooters realistic? Grow up kid in BF3 i can do 360 shots in the middle of the map, is that realistic? I'm not hating on BF3 it's a great game, great graphics, great mechanics. I prefer Steam over Origin and arcade games where i can chat with friends more casually.


GG sir never played a game and ripping on it kid.

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So you're comparing a two different games one very slow and tactical paced with one that is arcade run and gun style? First of all a game with more slots DOES not make it a better game. Let me remind you there are not 64 slots on consoles. So you're theory that bf3 will rip mw3 is only related to PC. Calling a new game unbalanced before playing it really makes yourself look smart right? They got rid of the nuke, commando perk, last stand, stopping power, and one many army perk. Who knows it may still be unbalanced, but for right now no one knows. Let me remind you IW revamped the whole systems. Regarding copying a game mode from crysis, last time i remembered these two games are completely different? You might as well say MW3 and BF3 copied Counter Strike from 20 years back. With the theory shooting the sitting in a corner, obviously u havnt played the bf3 beta have you? Basically you hide in bushes and pick of players using your sniper. Im guessing this is also equivalent to "sitting in a corner". I love when kiddie fanboys use the word "Realistic" When ever was shooters realistic? Grow up kid in BF3 i can do 360 shots in the middle of the map, is that realistic? I'm not hating on BF3 it's a great game, great graphics, great mechanics. I prefer Steam over Origin and arcade games where i can chat with friends more casually.


GG sir never played a game and ripping on it kid.


Clearly you did not ing read because you are:

A) completely mindless

B) just plain stupid

C) a zombie

D) (my personal favorite) All of the above.


now, since we've got how stupid you are out of the way, if you did read my post (you obviously did not) you would know that yes, I did play MW2 and BO and IMO which i also stated that that was my personal opinion, compared to Battlefield 2 and what i have played of the BF3 beta they are very poor quality compared to the great series that has been created by the battlefield games.


So what have we learned?

1) Fail trolls are fail

2) Fail trolls also love to broadcast how stupid they are.

3) Fail trolls try to cover up their stupidity and only make it worse for them.

4) when comparing two different games, it is actually possible to compare them. You just have to compare them based on certain criteria, obviously BF3 is a squad based game, COD is not. but you can compare the FPS elements. the weapons, the detail, the engine behind how it works. and what happens in all of the categories? BF3 wins. that will be all.

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CoD is fast-paces and you can always do fun stuff and run with fun classes or snipe like a boss if you're good at it.

BF is slow-paced and can take a while to play a match like TF2 and requires that you work with your team to win. The sniping is also a lot slower-paced and doesn't feel as fun to me. MW3 will also have a new Spec Ops mode, which I'm excited for.

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