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Admin refusing to enforce rules.

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it wasnt even the racism that pissed me off. It was the fact that a mod clearly showed no care of the server rules. I was not acting 10 years old, I was simply trying to get him to be consistent with what has been enforced before on the server.


So many times I have seen mods not enforce rules,but this one pissed me off really bad because it was clearly intended.


I just dont understand why you even have mods that dont care or dont enforce server rules. Its ridiculous.


When I tell him im taking it to forums, he just says " you act like I give a ♥♥♥♥". I think that pretty much sums it up right there.







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all i really see is you egging him on by saying "what, what, you said my name, what do you have to say" then someone saying GUYS OMG. Id say not enough proof and get over it? .-.

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I clearly said I was talking over mic.


Where did you see me saying that? Reread the name on there bud.


---------- Post added at 10:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------


melting pot was the one saying those things you pointed out. You clearly didnt read all the text, please do so before jumping to conclusions.


He clearly is reacting in a way that shows he has no care of his moderation duties. How is that lack of evidence? its ridiculous.

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Where in there is the guy saying the N word or You asking for him to be muted, screenies are fine, but demo's are better because we can get the full thing... Also, he never said "you're a ♥♥♥♥ing 10year old" He said "you're acting 10 years old" Big differece

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As someone who was there, im going to +1 this, despite there being little evidence.


Not doing your job as a mod or admin defeats the purpose of you being one. Being high isn't an excuse.

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when it comes down to racism, all mods and admins have a different perspective on it and react differently towards it. I personaly dont get affected by racism on server unless its spammed or being said in a derogative way towards that race, or when people complain about it of course :P am i the only one that cant see the screenshots?? its all pixelated

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I never used being high as an excuse first off. I was just stating the fact that I was intoxicated. Secondly, he was not spamming racial remarks to the point where it was disruptive. I was the only moderator on the server at the time while 30+ people were playing, I took priorities on what to do and what to look for.


My job as a moderator is to do just that, MODERATE the server so gameplay runs smoothly for all players and they are able to enjoy the game they bought from steam without being ostracized or insulted constantly. I let you handle the problem amongst yourselves and when you asked him to stop saying it, he did immediately and apologized. I don't understand why you're making a big deal about nothing, you look for the first instance to complain about something and if you do not get your way you whine and threaten me with admin abuse? Do you think thats going to get me to listen to you next time if something legitimate does happen? I stand by my decision to let gameplay run on, as I had more important things to deal with, like maintaining the server of 30+ people while I was the only moderator on.


If you still think your life has been severely effected by this then I'd suggest you find a new game to play, because believe it or not, it's impossible for me to control what people say on the internet.


TLDR: I stand by my decision

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I love that you just typed a novel response and completely missed the point of the post.


I clearly stated it was not the racism that bugged me. It was the lack of moderation. For one, I dont need voice logs now that you admitted to it happening.


The whole point of this post was to bring attention to mods who, like yourself, do not enforce the rules consistently.


The chat log clearly shows two things:


1. You tell others to grow up when we try to get server rules enforeced.


2. You clearly dont give a ♥♥♥♥ about your moderator status as shown by your response that I was coming to the forums, and if you dont care, why do you even have it at all?


You are just one contribution to the huge problem this server has with inconsistent moderation and ridiculous regulation. I may be the only one here on the forums actually making a post about it, but I know that there are a ton of people that see this problem constantly.


Mods like you should not be mods based on the pure fact that you just dont care.


The main point of this post is to finally bring attention to this issue, and maybe the leaders can actually start making some changes for the better.

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I'm sorry I dont go running around muting people when one person complains, thats not my job. Yes, my job is to enforce the rules, but it is also to make sure the server runs smoothly and everyone is able to play without inconvenience, from my stand point I did not see his behavior as inhibitory to your playing so I didn't take any action. My responses to you were out of retaliation from your contant complaints about a minor issue that did not warrant any action from me. All you had to do was ask him to stop and he did, do you really need me to mute him after that? I think not. Grow a pair of nuts, tell them to stop, if they don't and then I see it as being disrespectful to the point where he is severely curing or being racist then I will take action. Other than that saying the n-word or ♥♥♥♥ once, doesn't really deserve a response from me.

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TL DR, Mods do their best even when being outnumbered to watch what they can, and people will never be satisfied and posts like these will drag on forever.



Someone close this, old news is old and nothings gonna come of such a minor event now.

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I think kenny is the only mod that doesnt enforce rules, he constantly says the n word like it's nothing. He uses an excuse saying he's black so he can say the n word, which is totally bs.

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hey guys, im gonna post something totally intelligent that no one will read and keep on the arguement.

Cigaro: Not a big deal over reacting

Jay Breeze: Don't trash talk people for doing your job. Only makes the situation worse.


In conclusion. Calm down. its a game, treat it as such.

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cigaro next time I'm just record when mods don't do anything about rule breakers. some mods do great jobs, some don't do ♥♥♥♥. I'm not gonna +1 or -1 cause i wasn't there but jay u don't always do anything if some1gets free killed you've let it happen with nothing happening to them a few different time while I'm on and the guy doesn't kill himself.

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