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Daz has been banned AGAIN.

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I did it in server for 24 hours but Id like to propose a perm ban.


Member is incredibly abusive to "madmins" admits in server he applys to xG repeatedly in order to troll us, blatantly called Smoker a Nigg** today, and prohibited myself and other admins from being capable of monitoring the server by insulting us, then when responded saying things like "Ok drop it im not talking" then proceeding to egg us on to further the argument, and then try to pin it on us.


This has become more than just a repeat occurrence, general problems with authority and forum posts made with the intent to infuriate/troll admins, this is now really gettin on my nerves.


We all tried very hard to apply the benefit of the doubt to him today, and every admin on the server gave him fair warning, and even muted, gagged, slayed, and kicked him, all while holding off on the ban. Ultimately we decided to remove him from the server for another 24 hours, however I feel we must move to remove him entirely because I personallty refuse to take any more ♥♥♥♥ from a non-member troll.


Admins who witnessed this include Myself, Smoker, Hudson JR, EZKILL, Nighty, King J, and Billy Mays, possibly more.


Please remove this troll from out forums and server, because he has proven he cant even act properly after being banned for a week.



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+1. This guy is a major admin troll, he needs to be removed from our servers forever. He does nothing but cause problems and insult admins and mods. I'm not even a mod and I've had enough of his ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I'm surprised the admins and mods have had enough self-control to not e-rape him repeatedly.

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dont forget this:


Daz: you're joking right nig**r?

xG:M | Smoker: y u mad at me bro

Daz: im mad at all the shitty xg admins


that was a steam message, btw


idc if you faggots perm ban me, you're corrupt shitty admins who abuse all the time and ignore real admin requiring incidents


in my opinion, the fact that you would try to use a STEAM Personal Message to help you ban me only backs the idea that you're corrupt and just want me to be banned because you're butthurt about me being right earlier...


also, while im on the thought, you cant prove that that is a real message, besides me proving it by admitting to it (which i do willingly) without a screen shot


i can do this.


xG | Admiral Snackbar [snX]: I like to suck ♥♥♥♥, but dont say that because if you do ill ban you

Daz: so i heard you like to suck ♥♥♥♥ snackbar?

You have been banned.


entrapment (which is what you seem to be very good at)

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i can see that the admin team will never be cleansed of the badmins, so i +1 also


who would want to play with a server run by badmins?


---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------


I did it in server for 24 hours but Id like to propose a perm ban.


Member is incredibly abusive to "madmins" admits in server he applys to xG repeatedly in order to troll us, blatantly called Smoker a Nigg** today, and prohibited myself and other admins from being capable of monitoring the server by insulting us, then when responded saying things like "Ok drop it im not talking" then proceeding to egg us on to further the argument, and then try to pin it on us.


This has become more than just a repeat occurrence, general problems with authority and forum posts made with the intent to infuriate/troll admins, this is now really gettin on my nerves.


We all tried very hard to apply the benefit of the doubt to him today, and every admin on the server gave him fair warning, and even muted, gagged, slayed, and kicked him, all while holding off on the ban. Ultimately we decided to remove him from the server for another 24 hours, however I feel we must move to remove him entirely because I personallty refuse to take any more ♥♥♥♥ from a non-member troll.


Admins who witnessed this include Myself, Smoker, Hudson JR, EZKILL, Nighty, King J, and Billy Mays, possibly more.


Please remove this troll from out forums and server, because he has proven he cant even act properly after being banned for a week.




i decided to read your wall of unjustified rage.


i noticed you said that i said i drop it, and then that i "egged you on further"


ask smoker (assuming he is still uncorrupt enough to tell the truth on the matter) what i said was, ok i have dropped it, please stop talking to me.


now, an admin who really wanted to just make me stop talking, would have stopped talking, no? well after that he randomly says 3 minutes later, "keep trying to pin us to a cross daz"


then i said, admiral please drop it, i dropped it 3 minutes ago so please just stop talking.


he then said that i was trying to >>suddenly<< reverse it onto him, when all i wanted was for him to stop trying to entrap me in gags and kicks and later a ban.


he would not stop ♥♥♥♥ talking me, and of course im not going to back down to some ♥♥♥♥♥y little prick who happens to have admin commands just because he tells me to. he was wrong in the first place, he was by law of nature, my ♥♥♥♥♥.


he banned me for telling him to stop then

he banned me for spamming admin chat, when i had not used admin chat for a good 2 minutes or so


---------- Post added at 06:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ----------


again, i really dont mind if you guys ban me, ive been leaning towards not joining for a while now, its only the players on the server that i enjoy, not the server itself. because with the server (which is a very nice server btw) comes the terribly lazy and very self conscious admins.


by lazy and self conscious i of course mean that they do nothing to actual requests for slays and assistance, but they will gag you and kick you for telling them they are bad in 3 seconds.


my question is, why is calling admins bad even a kickable or bannable offense? why am i allowed to call 12 year olds too young to use the microphone, but just because some 13 year old has admin powers, i can be banned for justifiably calling him bad? i mean honestly, do you guys think i enjoy being banned? why would i keep calling your badmins bad if it wasnt true? i know that it will always lead to a ban, but it must be done. if no one called them bad, newcomers would assume they are good.


please agean, please consider cleaning the admin closet out, it is terribly cluttered with dirty admins..

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I saw the entire thing.. other that what was obviously private chatted. I believe they both were trying to stop the argument but every time it would be like- Im going to be the BIGGER man and stop this. and then that would cause more yelling until finally he was gagged. It was manley just them instagating each other to do more trash talking. So im not going to vote :O

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