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I think my sleeping habits are really unhealthy, and so are my eating habits and a lot of other things.


I think I might have diabetes. No, that doesn't mean I'm fat. I just have really bad eating habits but I'm still very skinny (which can be caused by diabetes), and my mom has diabetes, and it's a very hereditary disease.


I sleep about 3 hours on school nights, and about 17 hours on the weekends. I know that can't be healthy.


I think I'm going to go to a doctor and get his professional opinion on the subject, since I have free insurance provided by the government (because my mom makes $0/yr).




Anyone have any suggestions?

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I think my sleeping habits are really unhealthy, and so are my eating habits and a lot of other things.


I think I might have diabetes. No, that doesn't mean I'm fat. I just have really bad eating habits but I'm still very skinny (which can be caused by diabetes), and my mom has diabetes, and it's a very hereditary disease.


I sleep about 3 hours on school nights, and about 17 hours on the weekends. I know that can't be healthy.


I think I'm going to go to a doctor and get his professional opinion on the subject, since I have free insurance provided by the government (because my mom makes $0/yr).




Anyone have any suggestions?


Sleeping pills, nyquil, etc for friday/saturday nights. That'll really help you get back on track. But make sure you set your alarm for the same time you wake up on weekdays, like I do. That way, you get more used to your sleeping schedule instead of changing it every weekend.


As for the food thing, what's your BMI? If it's changed by 3+ points in the past few years, you might wanna ask a doctor to see if you're diabetic. I like to eat 3 square meals a day with no snacks or sweets (candy, dessert, etc.). Eating apples will help increase your appetite. So will pot. But you might not want to increase your body fat too much if you're still kind of healthy.


Or it could be some kind of femanine hormone thing, like PCOS (although that would cause excess body fat), in which case I have no clue.

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dont take any sleeping pills or nyquil, cause ur relying on those to help u sleep, make a rigid sleep schedule, go to bed at like 12am and wake up at like 8am (if on weekends), if its school night, go to bed at around 11pm and wake up at say 8am if ur school starts at 9 and u can walk to school. also, lay off the computer games, they arent gonna help u at all, eat food that ur mom makes at home, dont eat like frozen pizza or processed foods, take multivitamins if u need to supplement some vitamins and minerals that u arent getting enough of.


try to work out at least 3 times a week for an hour or so, either run or do some light weightlifting, it will help ur overall health, it will also help to control ur diabetes immensely by regulating the overall nutritional intake and it would make u sleep more deeply cause of the expended energy, tell ur mom not to buy any junk food so that the only choice ull have is like fruits and vegetables, force urself to stop eating junk food if u have to, i sometimes eat way too many chocolate wafers but i force myself to stop at like 5-6 and i move the food out of my sight so i dont get tempted,

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Even if I actually TRY to sleep and lay in bed and close my eyes.....I still dont fall asleep even after 3-4 hours later....sooooo usually now I just choose to stay awake. Though sometimes I don't get back on the computer cuz im afraid if my parents will catch me :p. btw Lissa we are sooooo alike! I think...<3

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My solution is sleep more


---------- Post added at 05:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------


♥♥♥♥ im sorry i didnt get to finish what i was saying what i was trying to say is watch cnn because those cold blooded librals can put anybody to sleep with there socialistic political ways they aint foolin me watch GLENN BECK TV!!!! I AM TOO RADICAL FOR FOX SO WATCH ME ONLINE I SPEAK THE TRUTH AND WE WILL MAKE THIS 2012 A NO WAY NO HOW NOBAMA ELECTION

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I've had a massive issue sleeping (Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, RLS) since I was very little, and I still hardly sleep at all, but when I do, here's what knocks me the ♥♥♥♥ out.

Don't eat or drink anything besides water about an hour before you wanna sleep.

Turn off all sources of light and sound, or turn off everything besides some calm music.

(this is optional, but usually the only thing that'll put me out) Take 5-20mg Melatonin. Can be bought in stores, not harmful.

If you're still not able to fall asleep, take either an actual sleeping aid that you can find at a local pharmacy, or take drowsiness inducing medicine. I usually go with Dramamine or Benadryll.

If doing all this can't put you to sleep when you need to be, then you seriously need to see a doctor. I have several sleep disorders and it still works sometimes.

...not usually though.

OH YEAH. Weed helps too. Just saiyan.


As for oversleeping on weekends, that's pretty much normal.

If you need to keep yourself awake, work out. 'Nuff said.

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Agreed with range and Vicious, Weed really does help. And Working out for like an hour doing simple work outs does help ALOT. i know i used to work out 3 hours before going to bed in highschool or i would get max 4 hours. and on weekends i wouldnt do much better. so now i just have a bowl and then work out a lil and im good to go!

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