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Split the JB server?

Split the JB Server?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Split the JB Server?

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No, Just No. I was talking with Herpes and Cari on TS. We were discussing this, I told them what I thought, and I say it again. It's too much trouble, for mods+, especially silence! It's hard for the mods+ because say there is only 3 mods+ on, then 1 or 2 go to the other jb server to help, then it leaves the other server vulnerable, because it's only 1 person. Especially with all the new mods they won't know how to handle them right away (No offense) and then a TON of people will get away with breaking the rules.


Also, it would be dumb if it was only 30ish people max on the server, because then if people want to play with each other, and the room is full, or almost full, what are they going to do, other than find a NEW jailbreak server...

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bad idea, we would have less ppl on both servers if we split them and it would also lower our gametracker server ranking which wouldnt be good if we want sponsors, also its like putting a giant wall in jb and spliting the players up, mods would have to connect to the other server if there is a problem in one of them which is annoying to do, better to keep it as one big jb server, and besides, mods/admins should know that if there are a lot of ppl, that they have to SPECTATE and not be playing with the ts/cts

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I am at an impass. Great idea, but again, it would indefinetly be hell on the mods and admins/mods/divs. And silence would definetley have some trouble keeping up with 2 JB servers. I am not +1ing nor -1ing. I just hope a resolution is in sight.






No, Just No. I was talking with Herpes and Cari on TS. We were discussing this, I told them what I thought, and I say it again. It's too much trouble, for mods+, especially silence! It's hard for the mods+ because say there is only 3 mods+ on, then 1 or 2 go to the other jb server to help, then it leaves the other server vulnerable, because it's only 1 person. Especially with all the new mods they won't know how to handle them right away (No offense) and then a TON of people will get away with breaking the rules.


Also, it would be dumb if it was only 30ish people max on the server, because then if people want to play with each other, and the room is full, or almost full, what are they going to do, other than find a NEW jailbreak server...

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It's debatable.......There are cons and pros of it. But I say it's more problems than advantages...soo uhh I change my +1 to -1

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Agreed that this good and bad, I do believe however that this would be a good idea as long as Silence agree's it'd be good and not to bad on him, the mods I know can handle it; their job as a moderator after all is to do as such. +1 For now until someone can counter my argument with plausible reasoning.

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the mods I know can handle it; their job as a moderator after all is to do as such.


Yes, we can handle it, but it is HARD. If we were to make two jb servers, that would make it TWICE as work, because if there is problems in both servers, and not alot of mods+ on, one server is going to be left unless the person is willing to go back and forth (Which would get annoying) and then deal with people complaining at them in BOTH servers.


I'm strongly against this...

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the mods I know can handle it; their job as a moderator after all is to do as such.


Yes, we can handle it, but it is HARD. If we were to make two jb servers, that would make it TWICE as work, because if there is problems in both servers, and not alot of mods+ on, one server is going to be left unless the person is willing to go back and forth (Which would get annoying) and then deal with people complaining at them in BOTH servers.


I'm strongly against this...


I apoligize for being inconciderate and not viewing from the others point of view, I supose it's true that all mods/admins are not on 24/7. But I would think they would

make more trusted members into mods and have concidered this factor.

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I just want to point out here that in a sense this doesn't solve the problem it makes it worse, like you said "Since JB is always crowded and populated, it's hard to moderate for mods+, and not as much fun for regular players as when there is say around only 20-30 people." -Herpes. i have 2 problems with that, the first one being as u said its hard enough for moderators to spot out everyone breaking a rule. well splitting the servers may split the people in half to moderate, but then it just makes it worse cause that will split the moderators in half as well. also as stated if both servers are full thats just going to be made even harder on the moderators since now we'll have 2 full servers to watch over. and secondly the whole thing about most people enjoying it more with only 20-35 or so people anyway...thats completely opinon based, i know plenty of people that only come on when the servers past 40 people because they think it's just toooo boring without all the people. lol i mean i know for fact that when theres 40 people trying to rebel its perfect because when chaos breaks lose it gives certain people that are smart a chance to slip away and rebel in the confusion.

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the mods I know can handle it; their job as a moderator after all is to do as such.


I apoligize for being inconciderate and not viewing from the others point of view, I supose it's true that all mods/admins are not on 24/7. But I would think they would

make more trusted members into mods and have concidered this factor.


Don't apologize, it's completely understandable, and I get where you're coming from. I was just stating from a mods+ point of view :)

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I personaly enjoy 20-35 slot JB servers. But spliting the servers would be bad idea. As stated by msot of the people before me. it would end up in just a massive ♥♥♥♥ storm.

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