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We were on avalanche and i was runnin in the lil snow tunnel during a warday outside. CTs saw me but i had my knife out so i told em they couldnt shoot me until i went outside or pulled gun out. Then Duckii just slays me and says i "wasnt participating" even though i was only waiting outside for like 10 secs MAX! Then i start trying to explain that we can do that but she just stuck with her head and pretty much disregarded all i had to say. Then server crashes... i go on minigames and so does she. I keep bringing it up yet she just didnt want to have anything to do with it anymore so she warned me to drop it, i personaly felt she was wrong about this so i kept on going, she kicks me once asking me to drop it. I come back saying something like Oh you can kick?? Congrats!! And then she just bans me........ im currently rank 5 on jb server which proves im an active mod on server, if i remain banned or lose my Mod over this then i dont want to be in a clan that functions this way. Im a great player who follows rules, use mic, go on ts3 often, friendly guy and loves JB and all the players ive met during my time in xG, this is just a fkin ridiculous ban which irritates me to the extreme!

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First off your correct on not participating.. but clearly i've gave u ur time. You just stood at the stairs watching the Ct's nothin more for like 10 seconds.. Is that participating to just stand there so and just watch as ur fellow teammates die trying to kill the Ct's. The answer is no. Than onward to the part you fought. - You have stated your rank implying the time you've played saying that means you know the rules. That doesn't mean anything of knowing rules or such. than again u said i don't know the rules well though i've been here since Last year much longer than you and have played jb for quite sometimes.


The jb server have had their ranks restarted many time and guess what who was #1 me. Does that mean i know the rules very well ? nope it does not. After i've told you to drop it and stop the argument you have kept on going after i've told you to stop. So than i went on kicking you as a warning u came back and said "Oh you can kick me?? Congratz" and than i got tired of it and knew you were going to say something again so i banned you.

Aegaen will talk to you about this and i will wait for your decision on what you will do.

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