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Meanwhile in America...

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OH GOD everyone must be rioting and taking back America with force! The government is being overthrown! Oh the humanity!!!!


U.S. News - CNN.com


Oh wait that's not happening :/ where's the riots and protests?



Something tells me some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fanatic is going to do some violent act which is going to cause politicians to overreact and ban guns, hurting Anonymous' cause.


P.S. LOL'ing at Anonymous' qq at the American education system



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american education system is ♥♥♥♥.


my school get's little to no funding but there is a ♥♥♥♥ ton of intellectuals who are undermined due to low budgets and lack of programs.


i could benefit from a tech class more than graphic communications >.>

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have fun being a police state, dont expect help from every other free country until u fix ur ♥♥♥♥ and stop trying to police the world, directed to us in general

So right on point, america is trying to go and completely control Afghanistan and other places thinking they own it... thinking if they leave they're gonna get bombed, gtfo and think, idiot americans.

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So right on point, america is trying to go and completely control Afghanistan and other places thinking they own it... thinking if they leave they're gonna get bombed, gtfo and think, idiot americans.
oh god sooooooooooo true.

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So right on point, america is trying to go and completely control Afghanistan and other places thinking they own it... thinking if they leave they're gonna get bombed, gtfo and think, idiot americans.


so trueeeeeeeeeeeeee =/

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and out of the ashes of the once mighty phoenix will emerge another one to take its place.


aliens from above are prob looking down on the US and thinking they speak for all of us, thats why we havent been publicly approached by aliens, cause no one wants anything to do with the US

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