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$moker (again)

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I typed up a whole reply to what was posted in the other thread, only to realize when I went to post it that it was closed.


Since nobody seems to take admin abuse seriously here, I give up. I just wanted to help out when I saw an actual case of admin abuse and was a victim of it. Frankly, I'm offended that the thread was closed especially after $moker practically admitted that he didn't see me doing anything and then EZ followed up by saying that no abuse had occurred.


All I wanted to do was help out, but this is seriously ridiculous.

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I typed up a whole reply to what was posted in the other thread, only to realize when I went to post it that it was closed.


Since nobody seems to take admin abuse seriously here, I give up. I just wanted to help out when I saw an actual case of admin abuse and was a victim of it. Frankly, I'm offended that the thread was closed especially after $moker practically admitted that he didn't see me doing anything and then EZ followed up by saying that no abuse had occurred.


All I wanted to do was help out, but this is seriously ridiculous.


I made a judgement call;

1) you were waiting at a vent which took me 15 seconds to navigate through. (that's camping FYI)

2) i'm not sure if the vent lead to armory, but if it was then you were camping armory which is also slayable/restrictable

3) you weren't with the CT's considering that the vent leads to 2 different places and we just happened to pick the vent exit that you were camping


Maybe I wasn't exactly sure how many precise seconds you were waiting there, if it was <14 then yeah it was a freeslay and I was wrong.


But given the fact that we had a full server full of people complaining about freekilling, and the fact that I had to slay you earlier for freekilling and baiting; I think that my judgement call wasn't out of the question and was infact, given the circumstances, the right thing to do.


To add insult to injury, you complained as if you had no idea that you could have been wrong, when several factors CLEARLY show how you were bending the rules and should have been slayed regardless.



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1) yes, it took you 15 seconds to get through the vent. does that mean i was waiting 15 seconds for you to come out? no. it doesn't. like i said, i -saw- you going in the vent. i ran across the map, and arrived there the same time you did.


2) that exit was not anywhere near the armory. yeah, that's true, if i had done that, it would have been slayable. but that's a retarded argument. yeah, if i murdered a guy, i would be going to jail. but i didn't.


3) i would check to make sure (i'm not entirely sure) but i think there's only one exit to that vent. if there is two, then i am unaware of where the other exit goes to because i am dumb - i just went to the only exit from that vent that i actually know. it sounds like you don't know the map very well, neither do i, but if you're going to be banning people based on their location you should probably have a better idea of that than i do.


at the very least leave it at a slay, and not a teamban, especially when you didn't know for sure. i don't consider this semantics or bending the rules, because i saw Ts going into a vent, and i ran to where they were and killed them as they were coming out. in no way was this vent camping - i was never in the vent, i wasn't even in the same room as the vent entrance until i killed all the T's, and most importantly at no point was i sitting in one area, i was constantly moving.



in short, stop making judgement calls if you have bad judgement.

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Please no need for this post. You will be unbanned for the wrongful CT ban as it seems, I have talked to smoker about it, but please no need to continue this as this as opened the div and co-leader's eyes so we will be watching for anything else that goes wrong.


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